"When you're mine, you look like mine," he replied, his eyes on the road.


"¿Mamá?" Kim said into the phone. It was hooked between her shoulder and ear.


"Mom, I'm sorry I didn't get to call you. I have been up busy," she takes her hair back.

"¿Estás bien? has estado ignorando mi llamada" (are you okay? you have been ignoring my call)

"Yeah I am. I just had work, No hice caso de que llames a mamá" (I didn't ignore your call)

"Okay then, have you eaten?" Kim puts the phone on her dressing table and puts it on speaker.

"Yeah, I have. Are you good?"

"Yes I am, I'm on the farm right now."

"Alone? Where's Grandma? how is she?" Kim asked. She shoved some clothes into her suitcase.

"Niña, ¿no quieres llamar a tu papá?" her grandma said. (Baby girl, don't you want to call your dad?)