CHAPTER 05: Freeda’s Smile

TODAY is the last day of the first week of school. It wasn’t that much but, it felt nice knowing that I could have some free time during the weekends. The passed few days gone very well than I expected. No problems and communication to any my classmates. As long as I stay low key, they wouldn’t mind me.

“So, one of my friends told me that what if we change our hairstyle? Like some Hollywood actors or whatsoever,” Nathan stated, almost making me choke on my own food.

We are currently at the Cafeteria, eating lunch together like what we always do. I’m very thankful to my bestfriend because he always finds some time to join me during our breaks. Even though he have some new friends, he still didn’t abandon me. Though sometimes, I felt surprised to the words coming from his mouth.

“Where the heck on Earth did you get that worst idea? From your friends? Nathan, you don’t need to change anything just to fit in...”

“I’m not doing it to fit in, Nat. We just wanted to try.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But I like the style of your hair right now. It looks fine. And besides, Aunt Jessica wouldn’t allow you to do something to it...”

He rolled his eyes on me before he continued eating his food. I did the same when I remember that we have an assignment in Biology. I still haven’t make it yet and our classes will start in just a few hours. I didn’t know what to do so it’s better to ask for Nathan’s help rather than let our teacher humiliate me in front of the whole class.

“Uhm... Nathan?” I called him.

“What?” he asked curiously, looking up to met my gaze.

“Would you help me in my assignment?” I asked sheepishly.

“Why would I?” Now he’s mocking me.

“Because... Duh, you’re my nerd bestfriend, right?” He chuckled.

“Fine, fine. I’m just kidding you know. In what subject?”



I shook my head while smiling to myself. Having him with me is very great, for as he promised before, he always got my back. Though I didn’t want to depend myself onto him. I’m just asking for his help when I couldn’t do it anymore.

“Done,” he stated, after a few minutes of answering some questions.

I looked at him unbelievably, then back to my notebook. I couldn’t believe it. He finished it in almost no time. The answers are complete and were very easy to understand.

“Please don’t be too amused, Nat.”

I laughed, before hugging him as a form of gratitude. When I finally released him, I saw how his cheeks flushed bright red.

“You look like a tomato.”

“Whatever. Just thank me and get over it,” he stated, trying to act cold.

“Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Cold Man.”

He laughed at my response. Before he could even say anything, the bell rings and we all stood up along with the other students to immediately get to our classes. Nathan waved his goodbye towards me, and I waved back as well.

Out of adrenaline, I rushed through the hallways, not bothering to look closely on my way. I’m afraid to be late and of course, I’m excited to pass my assignment in Biology. Thanks to Nathan, I have something to look forward to.

I felt pain as something hit my right shoulder... Something or someone. When I looked behind me, it was Tyler Smith. He just smirked at me, not bothering to apologized for his “accidental” doings.

I glare at him, lost in my own mind as I tried to give him the scariest glare of the year. I just came back to my senses when I bumped into someone, someone unfortunate enough to came across my path.

“Ouch!” she complained.

All of her books and folders are now scattered by the floor. I quickly kneel down to help her pick her stuffs up.

“I’m very sorry! I didn’t see you... It’s my fault,” I explained.

Rule number twelve was, “Learn to apologize.” It wouldn’t hurt us saying the word “sorry” or whatsoever.

“It’s okay... I’m fine.” She smiled at me.

Looking at this gorgeous lady makes me feel bad and ashamed of my face. But then I remembered my rule number two, leading me to gain my confidence back as I secretly whispered that I love myself.

“How about you, are you alright?” she asked, a worried expression plastered upon her angelic face.

“Yeah. I’m really sorry for bumping into you...”

“Please stop apologizing. I’m completely fine. And by the way, my name is Freeda. What’s yours?”

She offers her hand to me and I gladly accepted it. We shook hands and smiled to each other. She was the one who took the first step so I think it’s just fine to tell her my name as well.


“Nathalia? With H?”

“Nope. Without H.” She chuckled at my response.

“Nice to meet you, Natalia without H. So, I’ll get going now. See you around!”

I nodded at her before she vanished into my sight. I smiled, thinking that maybe making new friends wasn’t that hard as I expected. I was about to go to my classes when I saw something laying on the floor. It was a bracelet, and I only know one person that could own this charm. It was Freeda’s!

Afraid that I might get late, I quickly picked it up and slide it into my pocket. I ran towards our classroom, thinking how am I suppose to give this back to her.

Our classes started and I got an A+ grade on my assignment in Biology. But that wasn’t the thing that’s keep on bothering me. It was Freeda’s bracelet. I have to give it back to her as soon as possible.

After hours of discussions, all of our afternoon classes were finally ended. I can feel the weekend vibes lurking around the school campus. I roam around the hallways, looking for the girl that I met earlier. Nathan wasn’t still here so I’ve got some free time to search for Freeda.

Few minutes had passed, and finally, I saw her. Our eyes met as she stepped out of their classroom, and surprisingly, she smiled at me. That smile was a heart melting one coming from a gorgeous student like her. How lucky I am to be a normie witnessing her mesmerizing smile.

When I came back to my senses, my hands got inside of my pocket to get her bracelet. When I finally grabbed a hold of it, I looked up, seeing her still standing in their door way. I was about to walk towards her direction when someone put his arm around Freeda’s shoulders, making me chicken out because of his terrible glare.

“So, where do we meet later?” Tyler asked to Freeda.

“You choose. I’m fine anywhere.”

Those statements had driven me crazy, thinking that a bad boy likes someone as good and angelic as Freeda. I gulped, trying to process in my mind what did I just saw. When it finally sinks in, I decided one thing. Maybe I’ll just give this bracelet back to it’s owner on Monday or in any other day next week.

Today’s experience brought me some realizations. And that is what makes my manual’s rule number thirteen, “Learn how to wait patiently. There’s always a next time.”