Memoirs Number 3: Misua and Sardines

May 1997

Mace: Oh my God, we’re having Misua and Sardines for dinner tonight! This is so yummy!

Misua, also known as wheat vermicelli, are thin salted noodles made from wheat flour. A recipe which originated from Fujian, China, it is mostly cooked during important occasions. As Misua symbolizes long life in the Chinese culture, it is often cooked for birthday celebrants.

In the Philippines, a favorite meal among Filipinos is canned sardines in tomato sauce. This is best when poured over rice or paired with their popular local bread called, pandesal.

Luke: Whoa, you actually like the food we’re having now?!?

Mace: Yeah, I eat this a lot at home. Why so surprised?

Luke: ‘Coz it’s “peasant food.”

Mace: Is there even such a thing as “peasant food?” Honestly, where do you get those silly ideas?

Luke: From you... ‘coz the fact remains that you’re so picky with what you eat. I’m just shocked, didn’t expect you’d like what my grandparents prepared.

Mace: Well, surprise surprise... I love this combo! Besides, I’m so hungry from the trip that I feel like I could eat more than one bowl!

Luke looked at her in surprise and a bit of concern.

Luke: You should be hungry. We got here around 3PM and you arrived 4 hours later. But didn’t you have any snacks in between?

Mace: Just a bit of bread. I didn’t really like the snacks being offered at the stopover.

She took a sip of the soup, broke into a wide smile and sighed with bliss.

Mace: God, this really tastes like heaven!

And she ate it with such gusto that Luke can’t help but join in and share her enthusiasm too. He looked at her from across the table, her face merry and her eyes twinkling, and he felt that familiar tug at his heart.

Just when I thought I have her figured out, she does something totally unexpected and I’m like thrown off course, he thought as he helped himself to some Misua and Sardines. Even more important, this has got to be the best dinner I’ve ever had: my fave food with my most fave girl in the world.