Our whole flight to Singapore is composed of Mom sitting up and down to go into the lavatory, me eating various kinds of foods, and the both of us sleeping like an idiot on our seats. When the pilot finally told us to put on our seatbelts, that’s when I finally came back to my senses, loosing the ability to sleep again.
Maybe that was because of excitement. Only now that I realized that after a few hours of trip to our hometown, Erevell’s house will be there sitting on the same village as ours and we are finally going to see each other again and maybe spend some time together.
Just reminiscing our memories gives me a nostalgic feeling. It felt nice, being secured and having a safe home to come to every time that I needed it.
“Gab, get ready now. We are almost there. Our plane is going to land pretty much sooner or later,” Mom advised.