06 Someone here abuse power

“What do you mean by that?” Radosz asked further. “Did Mr. Brylski spend too much time on the set?”

“On the set, outside of it...” Anita Janiszek gritted her teeth but she was already in the place from which she could not withdraw, so she continued “Make-up at five in the morning, although during the day he shoots three scenes and the first is at ten. Rafał spends his time on the set until eleven o'clock in the evening just to do some reshoots that could have been done two hours earlier. Yes, six, sometimes seven days in a row. The director changes his mind every five minutes and tells him to repeat scenes endlessly, although even old actors say that Rafał played well... And Różycki's comments...”

A cold sweat splashed over Radosz's back. If Janiszek's words are not very exaggerated (and it will be easy to verify), it meant that the production of The Fifth Capital really had a problem. And it was not only one.