22 A Bad Feeling in the Glare of the Setting Sun

Damian Radosz was already running out of his room as he was standing.

Downstairs, near the hotel building, Rafał Brylski was disappearing in the company of three unfavorable young men. They didn't seem to be going for a beer together.

Poland is a safe country, and this type of brawl, where someone accosts a stranger and ends up in a fight, happens very rarely, but it does happen.

Sometimes it is enough for someone to say something bad about a football team and he has the misfortune to be within the ears of the enraged and disappointed fans of this club. It was enough, and it was probably the most common cause of all fights.

If Rafał inadvertently said something that pissed off these boys, they will want to teach him a lesson.

Three against one was never an equal chance.

Damn it! It was not enough for Rafał to get into a street fight right after leaving the hospital after a heat stroke and falling from the roof!

But why did Brylski not defend himself? Why didn't he try to escape? Why did he walk so obediently with them? Why didn't he take out his phone and threaten to call the police? Or at least he could raise his voice to attract the attention of passers-by and maybe hotel security.

But Damian didn't have time to think about it. He also didn't have time to wait for the elevator. He ran up the staircase and, jumping up two steps, he ran up the stairs to rush them down.

Its speed was similar to that of a hurricane.

The thing about street fights was that they could be really unpredictable.

Literally in several seconds, Damian Radosz was in front of the hotel and looked around to determine which direction he should go. Oh yeah, left, there was a little fast food stand over there. It was in that direction that the four men went, but where exactly?

Damian looked around alertly like a police dog. He did not see anyone, the street also ended several dozen meters away. But there, near that booth with street food, was something that looked a bit like a clothes horse...

Where, how, but on a clothes horse, it was easiest to find a local element, so it was also the most logical place to start looking.

He immediately ran right there.

Anxiety grew in his heart. It grew with every beat of his heart and with every step he took...

Three against one is definitely an unequal chance, and Rafał suffered a heat stroke yesterday and had an accident, so his body was weakened, and besides...

Besides, Rafał didn't seem like someone strong who could fight. Rather, he was someone gentle and sensitive, someone who needed someone's protection and care. Someone who would allow himself to be hurt not because he is weak, but because he was weak so as not to hurt others. He was just...

Shit, I have to find them before anything happens!

Before something happens to Rafał...


Justyna Fieldorf looked at her two friends, Edyta and Renata, laughing happily. The dusk falling over Milan was absolutely beautiful and its reddish glow made the Renaissance streets take on a mystical atmosphere.

Maybe it was the twilight that caused Justyna to suddenly feel anxious. It's as if... as if something threatened not her, but Damian left in Poland.

The young woman sighed silently. Her eyes traveled down the alley to their hotel. Maybe she should shorten her vacation and return to the country?

But Damian himself said that he is very busy now and will not have time for her. He probably won't even have time to meet her.

But wasn't that the best reason to come back? If Damian is so busy, he must also be very stressed, and thus he will definitely need someone who will support him and take care of him. Justyna's fiancé was strong both physically and mentally, but that didn't mean that he didn't need someone to give him energy. Justyna did not doubt that she was the best person for this.

She should come back and, if only by her presence, give Damian energy.

The very thought of seeing the man she loves again filled Justyna with excitement. Her guy was just so wildly handsome and so attractive! But no, it wasn't just about Radosz's body. Justyna also admired his character, and most of all his stubbornness and persistence in pursuing his goals and realizing his dreams. If it weren't for them, Damian would still be the poor boy she met in college.

It is not easy to make a fortune and fame, and it requires a lot of talent, hard work, time and patience. Damian Radosz did exactly that. He did not give up, he did not break down when only disappointments came during the first years. He set a goal for himself and boldly went on to achieve it, although it was so difficult for him...

Poverty was the most important obstacle to the goal, though not the only one. A man who does not have enough money to survive must get it. He needs them here and now, and he cannot make long-term investments that will pay off in a few years, because for those few years, too, you need to have a roof over your head and something to eat.

Damian knew about it, that's why he studied, worked and wrote at almost the same time. He wrote not for money, but to relieve the stress of his everyday life. Instead of becoming addicted to smoking or drinking alcohol, he simply wrote. It worked. Despite financial problems and problems at home, Damian moved on and found himself where he is at the moment. He became Justyna's fiancé.

But the production of the TV series was a challenge for Radosz. He made an appointment with a label that he would give them most of the investments needed to implement the project, but in addition to sharing the profits, he reserved the right to make a few decisions about the production itself. Justyna did not know the details, anyway, she did not get involved in this matter, but she knew that Damian had an influence on some matters, and not on others. Her fiancé, however, was a man who liked to have everything under control and to keep everything running smoothly, like a Swiss watch, so any trouble on the set can irritate him excessively.

Like the situation where someone passed out.

It was just an employee, but Damian felt obliged to take his case personally. All him.

The sunset over Milan's Renaissance streets was gorgeous, and Justyna Fieldorf regretfully thought of shortening her vacation, but a soft voice in her heart told her that if she didn't, something bad might happen.

Her Damian should not face the new challenge alone. He should have someone by his side who will give him energy and strength.

He should have his fiancée by his side.

Justyna should check the nearest flights to Warsaw...

"See, see, see, he's looking at you closely."

Justyna started in surprise. Edyta and Renata were giggling and trying to draw her attention to a handsome man sitting at a nearby table. When they took their seats that table was empty. Now he was occupied by a very handsome man and he was looking directly at Justyna.

This man seemed strangely familiar to her...