02 Grasp Reality

A petite little boy stood in the snow and the cold. He wasn't even wearing a single piece of clothing that could protect him from the cold. His bare feet seemed to be frozen to the rubber doormat.

The boy looked at his toes without expression.

He trembled.

Not from the cold, because the boy no longer felt the piercing chill. He trembled for another reason.

Somewhere from the darkness came the sound of loud breathing filled with something disturbing. Something dirty.

Like a menacing evil wolf lurking about Little Red Riding Hood.

Was this wolf lurking for the boy?

The boy trembled. He was afraid of that breath. He wanted to run away, but his feet were frozen to the black rubber doormat outside the house door. He couldn't tear them off, couldn't escape, could only wait...

In the darkness something moved....


Run away! Run away!

The darkness moved along with the wolf hiding in it. It started to come closer, moving towards the boy, crawling...
