Chapter Fourteen: Nagging - A tormenting stimulus that haunts those who suffer

I was a strong person because my mother was. I grew up watching her overcome every obstacle that life put in front of her. She had gone through such difficult times that sometimes she would fall asleep exhausted with tears in her eyes, but every morning she would wake up with energy and encouragement to give her all and give me unconditional love.

I was a strong person because I had been raised by someone stronger than me.

She used to tell me again and again that people had ninety-nine reasons for not wanting your happiness, intensifying those reasons as a great strength. I didn't understand much why the envious would go to the point of no return, showing how false and hypocritical they were, until they threw you into the abyss of despair. Yet there were also those people who did rather than said, gave rather than promised, were there without being there.

They were there without needing to appear.