Chapter 10 ( you talk too much )

Rowan's POV

standing in front of my open window looking at the dark sky, there were little stars in it, I flashed back to the other night with Natalia when she said the sky was sad, it was sad indeed and it had every right to. An unknown disease is killing the people and my father just ordered the gate closed and there is nothing I can do about it, my father was right, I am weak to be king. I just wish I could do something. I was interrupted by a knock on the door which made me frown ' who could it be by this time of the night ' I thought to myself " who is it " I said and was relied on by silent, then I heard the knock again and I knew there was only one person who does that, it was my sister

I reluctantly went to open the door and was taken aback when I saw Natalia standing in front of my door wearing only her nightdress " you " was all I managed to say, she was quiet for a while like she didn't know what to say

" I need your help," she said and I gave a confused look, I didn't know if she was joking or if she was serious, she sounded serious but the way she was dressed told a different story

" really?" I asked and she frowned

" does it look like am joking?" She asked angrily

" I mean no offence but with your dress, I can't tell if you are joking or not " she looked at herself

" What is wrong with my dress " she looked at me with an eyebrow raised and then it fell wide open as she used her arm to cross her chest " oh my god, you don't think I am here to seduce you right " I rolled my eyes at her

" I never said that " I defended

" Good " she was relieved, then she pushed me and entered my room

" yes, you may come in " sounding sarcastic trying to inform her that what she did was inappropriate,

I close the door and watch her study my room " your room is nice" she completed

" what do you want, " I said going straight to the point

" I need your help," she said those words again

" you already said that" I reminded her

" I think I can figure out what is wrong with the people" I blinked out of shock, I did not expect something like that from her

" am sorry, I didn't get you "

" I can figure out what is wrong with the people," she said again

" it's odd to see a lady who gets herself involved in matters of the men," I said and she gave that smile that

" does it frighten you," she said

" No, it interests me "

" Good, Now you have to help me," she said and I was quiet for a while, how the hell did think she would just come to my room, say she needs help and I will help her

" What makes you think I will help you," I asked. She thought for a while

" because we both want one thing, that is to help the people," she said and I raised an eyebrow, I saw how upset you were when the king gave his orders

" were you spying on me " I was shocked

" No I wasn't, I was passing by and I had the conversation" I frowned because she was lying

" And you expect me to believe you," I said

" what?"

" you expect me to believe that you were passing by and you heard the conversation when I know that my father ordered that you should be taken to your room so how is it possible you were passing by if you weren't spying " trying to hold my anger " Get out, " I said calmly

" What " she was shocked

" I said get out," I said again

" No, I won't," she said with full confidence that took me by surprise

" What did you say, " I asked to be sure I heard her clearly

" I said I won't, I won't because I did nothing wrong, I was passing by and I heard the conversation I don't get how that is my fault, and I am uncomfortable with what is happening to the people and I know I can help but I need help as well and the only person I could think of is you so will you help " she spoke quickly and I stood listening to her on till she was done

" you are a princess of Aldovia which has nothing to do with Bengland so why do you want to get involved, " I asked curiously

" if you see someone dying and you can help, will you ignore him because you don know him " her question was unexpected " No right" she replied herself " I wouldn't as well "

" What do you need, " I asked and she smiled

" I need to speak to them in person for details "

" Are you insane, the gate is closed " I reminded her

" that is why I need you " I frowned knowing there was nothing I could do

" I am sorry to inform you that there is nothing I can do," I said walking towards the door to open it so she could leave

" wait, what " walking up to me she held my hand preventing me from opening the door" why can't you "

" because my father gave his orders as King so there is nothing I..." She cut me off angrily

" And you are future king, for fucking sake Rowan in a short period, you will have to start making decisions for the people and is this your plan, to stand there and say there is nothing you can do. If I believed there was nothing you could do I wouldn't have come to you but I did, the people need help and you can help them, so will go to their aid or just sit here and keep saying to yourself that there is nothing you can do when I know that you can " she said almost yelling. Did she just call my name and use an F word, I was in total shock not expecting to speak like this and those words' you are future king ' for the first time didn't sound like a weight on me. Looking at the lady in from of me, what is she?

" you are not trying to impress me are you " she rolled her eyes at my word

" Why the hell will I want to do that when I already said I wasn't interested in marrying you and you already rejected me before the event even began so what is the point of impressing you," she said and she had a point " you know what, forget it, I will find a way to get out on my own " she was about to open the door when I cut her off by asking

" are you sure you can help " she looked at me and nodded

" I can do my best " I frowned because that was not what she told me at the beginning

" can you help them or not " she was quiet for a while

" yes I can " she replied

" Good," I said walking to my closet, I had to get changed " And also Natalia"

" what?" She replied

" you talk too much " instantly she frowned