Chapter 19

I can't, I have to save him. As our speed increased I thought of our next move, Rowan has badly injured but he moved like he was completely fine but he wasn't, I knew he wasn't " what do we do " I asked trying to catch my breath as we hid under a flat rock.

" I don't know, but we have to do something fast " Eric replied watching as Rowan used his hand trying to stop the bleeding

" shit " Rowan whispered to himself and I raised an eyebrow in shock

" did you just..." Rowan cute me off

" let it go will you " I gave a small smile with my eyes on his injury

"it's worst, " I said

" am fine," he said trying to assure me that he was okay

" no you are not, I have to do something " looking around, thinking of what to do

" what can you possibly do, " Rowan said rolling his eyes and I frowned at his words then an idea hit me

" Don't underestimate me Rowan " I warned " Eric you will take Rowan with you while I distract them " they both gave me a confused look " What?"

" Are you sick?" Eric said " that is a stupid plan "

" No I am not, and just so you know, Rowan is too injured to fight and I don't think he will trust me with his life " Rowan raised his eyebrow at me " and also I am very good at running away so I will distract them while you guy run away and I will try to catch up with you later"

" I disagree" Rowan interrupted

" What "

" I brought you out of the castle so you are my responsibility to protect if anything..." I cut him off

" you can't protect me when you are injured, if I don't do this, we will all die, " I said and was about to leave when Rowan caught my hand

" Why are you doing this " his eyes had confusion Written all over

" To help you " I pulled my hand out of his grip and left. Immediately I began running in a different direction away from them, as I ran I made sure I made a lot of noise with the grass to draw them in my direction.

" over there " I heard a voice from a distance behind me and my speed increased. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, jumping over several logs, making sure I don't fall because that will only slow me down. I tried my best not to look back because if there is something I have learnt about running that is, not looking back and remaining focused, looking back is only to their advantage.

" shoot " I heard someone order. That was when fear covered me, they realised several arrows at me and I had no idea how I missed them

" shit " I yelled " I can't die now, I can't die " I repeated to myself and boom, I saw on the ground in pain, serious pain, I got shot in the leg and I couldn't move " fuck " I yelled on top of my voice

" she's down " I heard a voice call to the others

I was in serious pain and I couldn't move the most annoying part was that tires refuse to come out of my eyes " Shit " I tried getting up but I can't " I can't get caught, I can't die now, not when I was still on the mission" I whispered to my self, struggling to get up but I can't. They were getting close, closer to me I could see them " Luna " I whispered and just like that I was back to that familiar plane white environment, still on the ground bleeding

" Wow, that wasn't what I was expecting" I raised my head to look at the familiar beautiful face looking down at me in shock

" hi, I need help," I said to her kindly

" Sorry, I control time, am not a healer " I frowned at her and watch her kneel to examine the injury " it's not healing," she said and I raised an eyebrow

" well is it supposed to, " I asked a bit upset

" Yes," she replied not looking at me. I became curious wondering what she meant but didn't have the strength to ask because I became dizzy, very dizzy.

" Why am I so dizzy," I asked and she gave me a sad look

" it's poison " that was the last thing I heard before I went blank


" still no improvement?" I heard a familiar sweet voice

" I wouldn't say so my lady, I can see some changes" it was a male voice " my lady ". Lady Amelia? I thought to myself, why does she sound so sad. And where the fuck am I, I tried moving my body but it felt like I haven't moved my body in a year, it was a bit too still and my every joint was hurting like hell, I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, I tried again but this time slowly, at first I couldn't see shit, but with a little more time this became clear

" Natalia?" Amelia called as she rushed to my side and held my hand " Natalia, can you hear me " I slowly turned to my left side only to be caught by that beautiful eyes

" I hear you, but I see an angel" my words made a bright smile appear on her lips making her look even more beautiful

" oh God, Am so happy you are finally awake" I took a quick look around only to notice that I was in the clinic. How did I get here I wondered to myself"

" what happened?" I asked

" After Rowan returned without you, my father sent people to look for you only to find you unconscious in the forest " she explained " you got shot with a poisoned arrow "

" how long have I been out," I asked

" A week" my eyes feel wide open

" A week?, a lot must have happened in a week " She nodded

" A lot did happen " she replied. I tried sitting up then the doctor appeared from nowhere

" that is not a good idea, my lady, the poison is still in your body, you have to remain resting for now," he said and I rolled my eyes

" am fine," I said but was cut off but Rowan who suddenly walked in with a worried look on his face. Was he worried about me?

" you are not, Natalia, listen to him " looking into those beautiful eyes of his for a very odd reason, I felt like I miss those eyes