Venus was not doing okay at all, sometimes being apart from your beloved can cause all sorts of rampant thoughts to run around in your head. And when you have nothing to do and want to let out some steam, you end up doing some crazy things in the end.

With her husband gone and Kelley struggling to get her answers, Venus understands that she wasn’t invincible and there were powerful people out there in the world.

She was just using mere tricks on Kelley but this girl has been part of the underworld for more than a decade. She has some tricks up her sleeve too and Venus didn’t believe that Kelley will just go down the drain after all the effort she put to be where she is today.

This is why Venus has been so crazy herself and increased the torture on Kelley herself so that the other won’t think clearly. She used the talismans that Megan left for her and the ones her witch made for her.