Chapter 35

At 8:30 a.m. at the airport, Daria pulled her suitcase slowly toward the arrival gate. After so many years, she finally came back here.

She waved for a taxi and told the driver to take her to the Global Corporation headquarters.

The door opened slightly, and when Stephen saw the girl in a stylish outfit and high-heeled boots walk in, he thought he had astigmatism and quickly stood up.

Since early morning, he had gone to Dylan's office to wait to see which high-ranking person the president invited to help him, but in the end, it turned out to be Daria.

“Doctor Daria. What's going on? Dylan, didn't you say to recruit someone to help me?” Stephen asked.

“Yes, it's her.” Dylan calmly replied.

“Since when did the medical industry encroach on the project business industry?” Stephen is still surprised.

Daria gently approached and showed her profile to Stephen. He looked at her and then opened it to see.