Payback time part 1

Vanessa’s pov,

Carlos and Julietta were waiting for us in his master suite. There was an enormous four-poster bed with red sheets, a jacuzzi, and a table with chairs. The table was filled with the most expensive food. Carlos greeted me with a kiss on my cheek like we never had our differences before. Julietta looked beautiful in a tight purple dress and her hair in a sophisticated updo. I could see she was nervous by the look on her face, so I smiled at her with reassurance. She hugged me tightly and then turned to Don Lorenzo and Carlos. “Would you both like a nice aperitif before we start eating? I was thinking we could use that expensive bottle of prosecco for such a nice occasion, Carlos?”

“Good idea Julietta. You and Vanessa can make our drinks. I expect to be spoiled tonight so that bottle fits the occasion.”