Marking ceremony

Vanessa’s pov,

When I arrived in Ireland, I expected Colin to pick me up but to my surprise, his mom was waiting for me. Maggie noticed the surprised look on my face and asked, “Expected someone else? Colin can’t see you before the marking ceremony dear. It is tradition.”

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes, of course, there would be a traditional rule like that. I sat next to Maggie in the car and responded, “Well I don’t mind.”

We drove to a small church nearby and as soon as I got out, I noticed a huge muscular man standing outside. He had a big beard and blue eyes that were fixated on me. “What’s his problem?” Spirit growled in a low voice.

I sniffed the air and his scent of vodka and fish hit my nose almost making me throw up. “Must be from the Russian pack,” I replied. When he saw me, he immediately picked up his phone and I heard him say, “She is here.” before disappearing out of sight.

Maggie put her arm around me, “Don’t worry he can’t hurt you here.”