Chapter 1: The misty forest

In the summer of May, 25, 2010, soon to dusk in a quiet town of saint Vincent. Brenda Stars went out to meet Jake Strongman at the coffee shop. When the chief of police implemented a hard locked down at the city.

"Brenda, you're late!"

"How long have you been here?"

"Almost a decade, Brenda!"

"Have you eaten, Jake?"

"Yes I'm done!"

"Your stomach was rumbling like a thunder, Jake."



"Fine I haven't eaten anything yet, Brenda."

"Okay, stay here… ill go at the counter!"

"This is not a drill! I repeat, This is not a drill! All citizens of the city, must quarantine into your houses…"

"…An unknown virus has been detected at the city. This is chief Blackheart—from, Saint Vincent Police Department!"

"What's happening, Jake?!"

"I have no idea either, Brenda!"

The chief send a text messages to Brenda and Jake. They went into the parking lot to start the cars engine.

"I have a bad feeling about this!"

"Lets be prepared for the worst scenario, Brenda!"

"Yeah, you're right!"

"We're almost at the police station, Jake."

"Oh my God! What is that?!"

The car abruptly stopped, when an unknown creature crawled up high in front of it.

"Calmed down!"

"My heart beating fast like a horse. What if we hit an innocent people, Brenda?!"

"Relaxed, its just a dog!"

"I was hoping that you're right, Brenda!"

"Stay right here!"

"Where you going, Brenda?"

"I'll go check that thing!"

"Be careful out there, Brenda!"

"I will, Jake!"

She went out of the car to examine the unknown creature. Brenda looked at the area to find the creature.

"Any clues, Brenda?"

"There's nothing in here, only traces of blood, Jake!"

"Should I go down, Brenda?"

"Much better! Handed over to me the test tube."

"Here take it, Brenda. This is so weird!?"

"Yeah! Anything that happened this day is weird, Jake!"

"Are you done?"

"Yes, Jake. I'm almost done collecting samples! Could you please wipe this blood, Dear?"

"Alright, Zikes!"

"That's my men!"

"Whatever it is—curse that!"

Brenda went back at the car, the cold send chills to her body, while peeking Jake, at the cars window.

"Jake, are you done?"

"I'm almost done!"

"Lets hurry up, Jake. Shall we?"

"Right, we better move—before someone else see us!"

After cleaning the blood stains, Brenda and Jake immediately start cars engine and head to the police station; The chief of police furiously waiting for them.

"Look his face is like an unpainted portrait!"

"Yeah, Brenda. He's like a grenade… if you pulled the trigger it will explode!"

"Just ignored him!"

"What took you so long, Brenda and Jake?!"


"Brenda, I want some answers!"


"Are you—you two, deaf now?!"


"Hey, idiots! I'm talking to the both of you!"

Chief Blackheart continue nagging at Brenda and Jake. They climbed up the stairs into the 2nd floor and head to operations room.

"Whew, Hearing his words feels like… I was burning to death!"

"Me too, I think my eardrums have been damage, Brenda!"

The chief entered the room with an ominous presence. The deafening silence breaks when the chief started the briefing.

"ATTENTION! Let's begin this meeting… Because I have an important schedule I need to attend—So, lets not waste time—time is money!"

"Yes, Chief General Blackheart!"

They saluted at him as a newly promoted chief general of the police station!


"Why Jake?"

"—What time is it, now?"

"Its 7 pm—quiet… he might heard us, Jake!"

Brenda answered Jake, at the lowest tone of her voice. She was tensed of getting caught by the chief.

"Okay, here's your job! Some of you… I'll assigned you at the lockdown check point at the city's main roads…"

"…Entering and exiting the city are prohibited——the others will do an important task—"

"What's this important task?"

"—I'm not finished, Mr. Strongman. Captain Strongman and Chief operative, Ms. Stars. You'll need to rescue my missing team…"

"…In addition to that, you need to gathered some data and lab samples; at the mayors mansion…"

"…The red cross corporation wants that—whatever it is. They've paid me, big time for this!"

The chief went into the whiteboard to draw out the plan. He introduces a three police rookies, they're joining at Brenda's squad.

"By the way… Brenda and Jake, I want you to welcomed these three gentlemen. This one in my right—He's Cain…"

"In my left—he's Tristan… Top 1 mercenary, The red cross corp. Recommends him and last but not the least—He's Abdul."

"Welcome to our squad! I'm Brenda Stars, the squad chief!"

"I'm Jake Strongman, I'm your squad captain!"

"I'm Abel, One of the elite members of Special action force (S.A.F)."

"I know, Abel. Very well!"

"What are you muttering, Cain?"

"Nothing chief—I said, "This team is great!""

"Is that so… ALRIGHT! This meeting is over, Get to work!"

The chief exited the room, while Brenda and Jake are headed at the suit room.

"This leather wet suit is perfect for this mission!"

"High heels for this mission seriously, Brenda?"

"I'm damn serious, Jake!"

"I'm just wearing this muscle shirt, utility belts and this bullet proof vest, Brenda."

"Good for you—"

"Brenda, The chopper is ready. I've checked the fuel… it was full tanked!"

"—Okay lets head at the hangar. We're good to go, Brock."

The chopper lifts up and flew towards into the dark sky. Upon entering the Misty forest, the squad puts in a dire situation.

"ATTENTION! Insufficient fuel detected! I repeat, insufficient fuel detected, please re-fill fuel tank!"

"Why the systems was prompting, Brock?!"

"I don't know, Brenda!?"

"What you mean… you don't know, Brock?"

"I've checked this thing… thoroughly—"

"Admit it, Brock!"

"—I-I swear, Tristan. I've checked this!"

"Brock, Performed an emergency landing!"

"But, Brenda. There's no visible path!?"

"Do it now!"

"As you wished, chief!"

He immediately followed Brenda's order. The choppers fuel completely depleted. Brock manage to make a safe landing at the heart of the forest.

"Are you alright, Brenda?!"

"I'm a little dizzy, Jake!"

"Hang in there for a while!"

"Thanks, Jake!"

"Are everybody's alright?!"


They nod when Jake—asks, if they're in a good condition. The squad takes a while before moving on the mission.

"I'm deeply sorry, Brenda—"

"You don't need to—Brock. I've realized maybe, there's a leakage that's why…"

"…The chopper has an empty fuel!"

"I guess you're right, Brenda!"

9 PM at the evening the squad set up a small tent and analyzed the forest. Brenda and the others except Brock, decided to start exploring the forest.

"Alright team… the mansion was 400 feet from here!"

"I'll stay up here, Brenda. Maybe, there's a fuel at the large camp site—northeast!"

"Be careful, Brock. We never knew what lurks in the darkness!"

"I will, Brenda!

Jake leads the team towards the mansion, While brock staying at the chopper.

"Is Brock, will be fine by himself, Brenda?"

"Brock, is one of the elite. he would be fine, I guarantee you that, Abdul."

"He deserved to be left behind and die—"

"Hey… watch your words, Cain! He's… one of us, he's our pilot!"

"—Really, Abel?!"

While walking at the woods a loud terrifying sound of howling—echoes at the forest.

"Shhhhhh… Quiet—you two, did you hear that?!"

"What's that noise, Jake?!"

"I have no idea, Abel. Be on guard!"

The howling becomes louder and louder as it becomes nearer. Brenda standby her 45 caliber pistol to protect herself.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Jake!"

"Me either… I'm having some goosebumps right now, Brenda!"

A strange looking dog emerged from the bushes. Abdul notified Brenda and Jake.

"Look chief and captain, a K-9 unit… Maybe, its from the missing team?!"

"Don't dare going near to it, Abdul!"

"Why Brenda?"

"By looking at it—it seems that's not an ordinary dog!"

"Listen to what Brenda said, Abdul!"

"Maybe, he can tract the missing team, Captain!"

"What a stupid—Bastard—"

"Calmed down, Jake!"

"—Fine, Brenda!"

"Abdul… Just be careful!"

He gently walked towards the dog, it bared its chilling-pointed-fangs at Abdul.


"Aaaah! Oh… God… Help!

Abdul kicked the dog, he tries to run towards his squad. The dogs hungering bite strike his abdomen.

"Aaaah! Help!

"Jake, Help him!"

"On it, Brenda!"

Jake rushed to save Abdul, in the brink of death; it howled frighteningly, a group of dogs heeds the howling.

"You've got to be kidding me—more dogs!"

"Aaaah… help… help… aah!"

"Jake—he's dying!"

The dogs are devouring his body flesh by flesh, Abdul vomits blood while his life slowly fading away—facing the infinite darkness of the night.

"Blaargh… Aaaah… aah!"

Brenda and Jake saw his gruesomely mutilated body. The creatures stares while walking towards them.

"We've got to run! run! Brenda!"


The Monstrous dogs started chasing them, Brenda and the others run like a wind inside the giant mansion.