Mission: fall in love

She cleared her voice and frowned her eyebrows ready to deny the truth when Cole anticipated her and replied before she could even speak.

"You look so cute when you're shy. Don't worry, I was playing you… Well unless you want it to be truth." He remained silent for a few seconds contemplating how Claire's cheeks colored again of red blush. He exploded in a loud laugh and all of a sudden hearing how so full of himself Cole was Claire scoffed uncomfortably.

"Who do you think you are?" She suddenly found the courage to speak for herself. She wouldn't let a man talk to her like that even if the man was none other than her boyfriend's brother.

"I am Cole Treyson. I am the CEO of your boyfriend's company and the owner of the house you live in for free." He flashened a odd smile, where Claire could spot some arrogancy through it and maybe even proud.

Hearing his tone of voice and noticing his bold attitude, Claire grew even angrier, but this time her anger wasn't directed to him but it was only reserved to herself. How could she potentially be attracted to someone like him? So arrogant and selfish?

At first she wondered why Brendon had never talked to her about his brother but now that she heard him bragging about his economical condition she understood his reasons.

"I only am respectful to people who are respectful to me as well. Stop treating like I am someone who would be easily drop at your knees as soon as spoken to." Claire raised her voice, she folded her arms and looked at him angrily, provoking a shocked reaction in Cole and a bit of curiosity. No woman before had that strong personality, she seemed enchanted at first and now all of a sudden she changed her mind about him. Something about that odd woman's behavior intrigued him.

He laughed it off and then sighed, "you should try to understand people's sarcasm, Claire."

He took one step closer to her and his hand moved an inch, making the poor innocent girl immediately forget what she was about to say.

"You used to like my sarcasm then…" A barely inaudible whisper escaped from his mouth. But Claire was too taken aback from the sudden closeness that she didn't even hear him.

"I didn't mean to sound arrogant, Claire. I am just stating the facts."

He surely was better than her to contain his emotions and to hide the involuntary effects her presence caused him.

If only he could do something to remind her of the time they had spent together, maybe she would think less badly of him and she would bear his attitude a little more.

After all this time, how many chances there were that she would end up dating his own brother?

She took one step backward but almost as if they were tied by an invisible cord his body followed and and slouched forward, decreasing the distance between them even more. Their hair entwined together and their breathing matched impeding Claire to be able to say what breath belonged to her.

When Brendon got so close her body immediately retreated as a innate answer of restiveness. But with Cole, every single muscle of her was opposing to her mind's commands.

"Cole, what are you doing…" she stuttered a question before swallowing down the lump of distress which formed in the bottom of her throat affecting the sound of her chocked voice.

"I am doing what I had to do a long time ago." He said, he stroked her hair beneath her ear and his gaze fell on her lips.

His hands set on her shoulders to keep her still in case her mind got the best on her muscles and before she knew it he took another step closer, indulding her to backward again. This time the wall prevented her to retreat and made her bounce in opposite direction.

Cole caught her from falling and trapped her in his arms pratically, before genuinely wrapping his hands around her hips.

"You don't remember me Claire?" He asked in an almost desperate inquiry and at the same time a remorseful demoralized tone of voice.

He cursed himself for what had happened between them, for how he let faith play them such a unfair trick. For not having chased her furthermore. But even more, he cursed his own heart for still beating for her, in both pain and devotion. He cursed his heart to still belong to her.

His heart did not forget about her like she did.

Now his heart was calling her name and he couldn't help it but satisfy that call.

He leaned even closer, their noses brushed together, invading them both with a vibration. He smiled smelling her scent, the same scent she wore years ago.

How could even a scent smell that good? Cole wondered. His heart now raced so fast and uncontrollably, his breath heaved and his mouth dried.

"Cole what a…" she said preparing herself to ask him once again what did he have in mind.

But before she could finish to formulate the question or even worst depart he pushed her closer to him almost violently and locked his lips on her.

Uncaring of the circumstances, of the years spent afar and even worst uncaring that she was his brother's girlfriend.

When their lips met something happened, as if the world stopped and the time frozen. Claire's stomach knotted and filled with a odd sensation in her gut. Even her heart pondered in her chest and began racing, at each movement of their lips brushing together Claire felt pure happiness vibrate through her heart and her veins.

Her knees felt suddenly weak before trembling at the sweet taste of his lips.

God, he kissed so well.

She departed from the kiss right when she realized what she was doing.

His hands still trapping her unwilling not to let her go, not another time, not this time.

He smiled when he recognized the familiar spark in her eyes, her mind and memory may have forgotten him but sure enough her heart hasn't.

"What was that?" Claire asked with a trembling confused voice.

'That was the past speaking, that was the sign that the love between us wasn't defeated from the accident.' He thought to himself, but spare her from the truth.

Oh how he wished they could go back to those years, that she would have remembered him as soon as he met her. But she didn't remember him and for how much he wanted to be comprehensive and sound impassible, it still broke his heart.

Now his mission wasn't recover the memory of their relationship because it was medically and physically impossible.

Cole's goal was to make it happen again, to make her relive the past she had forgotten. To make her fall in love again so deeply that this time, not even faith would be able to get in the middle of their relationship.

The only question now was, will he able to do that when her actual boyfriend is none the less than his brother?

His hand inadvertently pulled in her hair and freed her diamond shaped face, he smiled to her.

"I just wanted to kiss you." He said, keeping from her all the reasons she still didn't know.

She shook her head, he barely met me and already tried to kiss her!? What kind of behavior was that?

She was left speechless and confised but right when things didn't seem to possibly get worse, footsteps approached the door. The hadle of the door moved down and Brendon walked in.

His eyebrows knitted down, staring at the two that close, his glace immediately fell on his brother as he tilted his head to the side and with a low voice he inquired: "What did you do?"

Claire swallowed down, the nervousness and agitation of that situation made her get nauseous.

Even her vision blurred, oh no… how would they explain that now?