White walls

Claire woke up and found herself in an empty house, in a house that she didn't recognize yet for the first time in a long while she had never felt better. She was alone in that house but she didn't feel lonely, she deep down couldn't wait for Cole to come back.

The reason why she felt so linked to a stranger was unknown to her.

She walked to the corridor and reached the weird room with the gold door handle.

She stared at it for a bit until she placed her hand on the handle and pushed it down.

The door didn't dodge, letting her out once again. Willing to get in just to satisfy that curiosity that surged through her body like an explosion.

What was that curiosity? What was that sudden joy as soon as she mentally counted the hours and realized only four hours were left till Cole's come back home?

She stared at the walls, as white as hospital ones.

She grabbed her brush and her colors and trailed a line in that white expanse.

Claire painted scenery of hills and mountains beneath a beautiful cloudy sky.

When Cole and Brendon came back, Claire was still painting.

She heard the door opening and immediately turned around, Cole's lips formed a huge smile and he walked closer to start at the work of art.

"This is beautiful." He whispered.

Brendon folded his arms and shook his head disapproving, "I told you not to paint. Do you even listen to me?"

"I'm here alone all the time, and I don't like those white walls I…"

Brendon interrupted her, "This is not your house. You shall have asked Cole. I don't like this new passion of you about painting, the doctor said it could distract you or estranging you from progress."

He walked closer to Claire and stroked her hair behind her ear. "We don't want that to happen do we?"

Claire shook her hand, "no, we don't."

"Brendon, I doubt painting a wall will affect her progress. Contrary, I think it's a big progress and something she can hold onto for when she feels down."

Claire smiled at Cole to thank him for taking her side but Brendon scoffed.

"Just do what you want at this point. If the owner of the house is alright with you scribbling the house with a kid then fine." Brendon rolled his eyes.

His touchless comment made Claire frown taken aback, since when did Brendon uses such bad tones with her?

"I'm sorry. I just am concerned. The scenery you drew looks good."

Claire smiled relieved by his change of mood, and his coming back to be himself again.

He walked to her and kissed her lips, he took his hand and gestured to her to stop painting to come to their room.

With a bit of sadness, she tidied up the painting stuff and then reached Brendon who waited for her in their room.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to be rude."

"It's fine," Claire said before sitting next to him on the bed.

"I bought you new medicines in case you ran out of them. How do you feel?"

Now Claire recognized him, he was the considerate kind boyfriend who stayed with her for years through her ups and downs.

"I feel good. Painting made me feel better. It's awakening the desire to travel and explore." Claire confessed with commotion and happy eyes.

"We will do that together, alright?" Brendon asked her slouching forward for a kiss.

Claire nodded, "yes. We will."

"I won't let anyone nor anything destroy what we have."

Brendon kissed her and whispered against her neck, "understood?"

Claire felt happy hearing that, "yes, understood."

Brendon's kisses moved on her neck.

"Brendon…" Claire whispered.

"Shush… I missed you today."

Claire swallowed down, she clenched her fists and her muscles tensed in agitation. Chills ran down her spine yet those didn't love chills, but frustration chills.

"Brendon!" Her tone of voice grew lower to protest against her boyfriend's intruding.

He didn't stop, maybe he hadn't heard her or maybe he pretended he didn't.

His hands ran through her stomach and grabbed her hips until she roughly pushed him away and stood up.

"Brendon stop!"

Brendon's eyes turned cold and impassive as he put his hands in his hair.

"I'm sorry."

Claire pushed him even stronger, "I told you to stop!"