I remember

Claire smiled looking at Cole, she gazed at the entire landscape, the lake the way the water stimming through the rocks, gently caressing it before passing over them. The transparent shade of the water and the sun hitting upon it made it sparkle. The flowers bloomed here and there, growing majestically beautiful, colorful, and dancing within the light breeze. Only a few threes here and there, but those were enough big to allow them some shadow and to cover the angry light of the sun.

Claire was still speechless, she limited herself to stare at every detail of that place as if something was happening inside her. 

The only noise which could be heard was the wind blowing, none of them dared to talk, both Cole and Brendon waited for Claire to say something but they hoped for different things.

Brendon highly wished she didn't remember whereas Cole would give his soul away just for her to remember a single thing of that place.