Chapter 5 Second Villainess

I thought I can prevent Yumiko to not meeting a male lead. Was I too careless, how can it happens so quickly that I had not prepared yet.

I just slip a little bit, to go to the washrooms, and my twin's sister just meets a male lead. What should I do? Please don't fall in love, Yumiko!.

" What are you doing, Yurika. I look for you everywhere. You should not just disappear like that's"

Scolded Yumiko. How can she, can slip away when I just talk a little with another female student. I can just look away for a minute or not she's just gone.

" Safe?"

" What is it"

Yumiko looks at me, with her eyes glaring mad. That's just don't wrong thing. From her action, I know it is still safe, my twin's sister doesn't fall in love yet.

" Let's go Yurika, the ceremony is just about to begin"

Said Yumiko, she hold one of my hands to make sure. That I am not lost again. I just take a back and follow her as my mind is confusing.

" Sorry! I go washrooms"

Yurika feels wrong for not telling her twins sister. A lady will never tell people about going to the toilet. If you want to go to the toilet, you need to say ' go to washrooms ' that's how proper lady manners.

The two sisters hold hand to hand as there walk in the corridor at the school building. Like a good pair of sisters.

" Next time you should tell me when you go a missing"

Yumiko is relieved when she sees Yurika. Her face shows how worried when I just go missing. Yurika just smiles at Yumiko and replays her.

" Ok"

On the way, we meet Shirogawa Chiho our best friend. She was the granddaughter of this school chairman. The school we attended was Shirogawa Middle High School. This school also has ave elementary school and high school. In the story, Shirogawa High School was a place where the 'Love only You'll begin.

I and Yumiko don't attend Shirogawa Elementary School, we go to my mom's school it was a girl-only elementary school. That's why I don't need to worry about Yumiko me within the g Male lead of the school.

I hope my mom sent us to a girl's school. But, it was rejected I wonder why. Oh well, it can't be helped. Early or late, I need to meet the Male lead, I can just avoid him forever.

Besides, our family is good friends. It going hard to avoid him too much, it will bring some suspicion to my family and others.

" You always daydream, every time I see you Yurika "

Said a pretty girl with sharp eyes, a sexy nose, and a lip that's enough to bring a sense of cool and mature aura. This cool and warm gentleman's voice was no one than Shirogawa Chiho, the second Villainess in this story.

" Good morning Chiho "

" Good morning Shirogawa "

I and Yumiko great Chiho, one of rule lady manners is too grating other with a smile. Two hands together at the stomach and bow down your head a little as a lady with a good attitude.

" Yes, good morning. And I told you many times Yumiko. please don't call me Shirogawa. It sounds like you called a school. Just call me Chiho, we're best friends right."

Yumiko has good lady manners than I. She grows up in a noble family no wonder she has good manners. Different me, my soul is a common old woman that you can find in the streets. Even though I was reborn in this life as a noble person, with my memory it is hard to change automatically to be a real lady.

That's why my mother always hopes for Yumiko to look after me if I don't act like a lady in the school. It is hard, for me to have a watchman stick close to me.

" Then I call you lady Chiho "

Answer Yumiko, I respect her. She still sticks close to manners. It makes Chiho no choice but to Give up to persuade her.

" Up to you, as long you do not call me Shirogawa, it's okay. Let's go together "

Chiho joins walking together with us.

Shirogawa Chiho who's the second Villainess in the story was our best friend. She is a real true friend and loyal person. After Yumiko died, Yurika and Chiho quarrel a lot. But it is not shown to other people. To others there just passersby people, Chiho hates Male leaders who are makes Yumiko die.

Chiho always makes trouble for the female lead, even though she doesn't hate her. It's just because the male lead loves her, that's why she bullies her. The problem is, that every time Chiho makes trouble Yurika will be the one victim.

Because the trouble Chiho makes all will lead to her, as reason she was Yumiko twins sister. But, Yurika never did it. Yurika know who's the mastermind, but they didn't tell everyone.

Chiho is also her childhood friend, and she knows her pain. Yurika always persuades Chiho to stop it, but Chiho doesn't listen. Chiho's reputation in schools was very good. She was like an idol to others, that's why it is very hard to know that she is the mastermind.

But, in the end, the second Male lead persuades Yurika to tell them who the mastermind is. Because the second Male lead can't stand watching the female lead continue to get bullying. Yurika has no choice but, to tell the truth, for one reason the female lead must be the one who persuades Chiho.

Yurika knows, that only a female lead can persuade her. In the end, Chiho gives up to bully the female lead with the female leadpersuadede. The female lead also forgives her, but not the Male lead. He still remembers what Chiho did to the female lead.

The male lead makes Chiho apologize and admit that she didn't do the female lead in front of all students at the school festival. It makes her ruined her reputation and makes her transfer to another school.

This is one of the reasons why I should save my twin sister Yumiko. I don't want to be a victim of this war of love, my old heart can't take much pressure. For my happy future, I need to save Yumiko and also save Chiho for not to fall on the wrong side.