Chapter 28 dining at restaurants

I wear a short dress pink with white lace and have pink ribbon. It brings out, how lovely I am. With pink shoes, I decorated my long straight Hair with only a white hairband at top of my head. I am ready.


New messages come in on my phone. I open my phone and I saw a message from Endo, it said. He already waiting downstairs, I replied I on going down. As I send, I pick up my handbags and walk out of my hotel room.

I see Endo as soon I walk out, and I wave my hand at Endo. He noticed me and immediately walk at me.

" Are you waiting long?"

I asked him if it is bad to make him wait for long. I look around and try to find Arai's teacher, but where the teacher is I can't see existence.

" Where teacher"

" Teacher is waiting in the car, I not waiting that's long. Let's go"

Said Endo as soon he look at me, he smile and show his arm. When I see his arm, I immediately rejected it. I don't want to be familiar with him, I know he was a gentleman. Still better draw a line for safety, it's nothing good if I am too close with four Prince.

" Let's go"

As I said to Endo and walk away, Endo looked at me confused why she reject it. He does not think much only smiles and follows her, walking outside to the parking place. We see a black Porsche car drive inside and stop at our place, then the glass car turns down. I can see Arai's teacher is driving it, with black Glass on that makes it cool.

Okay, it's not cool at all. Now is night, why wear a black Glass. Please be a rational teacher. Are you a teacher right. Endo is better, don't wear glasses. Endo this night is wearing a gray tuxedo in making him see how mature and gentlemanly he is.

" Go in "

Said Arai's teacher, Endo open the car door for me I go in and I thank Endo. Yup, what a gentleman person. He smile at me and replied no problem.

Arai's teacher drives us to go dine at France restaurant. Inside Seoul tower. At place is very like a luxurious and romantic place, I see these places a lot in movies and dramas in Korea. It very popular place for dining.

I soon I think that's, I see some stuff of television take place here and it looks like they take some action on this restaurant. When we three sit at our place, I realize some women look at my place. I wondered what are they look at it.

When I follow the eyes of this woman, I saw Arai's teacher and Endo Kazama who talk to each other with elegant manners. The aura around them shows how noble there are. No wonder I felt some envy pressure when I walk in with this two.

" What are you going to eat miss Hanami "

Asked Endo, he look at me. I come back from my daydream, I look at them and smile. As I said up to them, I know it is not the first time I eat France food. But this place is the first time, I did look research about this place before coming here. But, let giving a professional to decide.

As we ordered, we ate the food is delicious. I order a lot of food, it can help. It is very delicious. I am happy to enjoy the food and not realize how weird Endo sees me.

" Haha… you like this food miss Hanami, you eating a lot "

Said Endo Kazama while he smile at me As if he saw something interesting. what was wrong with them. have They never seen someone else eating. When Arai's teacher only said happy smile at me, as he is very happy when he sees how good I eating.

" Good, eat a lot. You two are young and need to eat a lot to build stamina. "

Said teacher Arai, he look at both of us and smile and continue said.

" You don't need to worries about money, I pay it "

What a good teacher is, at times like this teacher action like very promising to buy us a lot of food. Oh thank you, teacher, I'm sorry I'm mad at you. Yurika is very touchy when she hears the teacher what to pay for her food. With this, she does need to worry about exposing her spending money to her family.

Suddenly I hear a ringtone from teacher Arai, then the teacher answers the phone call. As he gets up and walks out to talk phone call and tell us to wait here.

" You guys wait here, I going to answer this call. Okay"

" Okay"

Said us. Then a lot of food comes to me, I enjoy eating. While Endo does eating only looks at me and smiles as this scene was funny to him.

" Sorry, it was cute when you eating"

I was surprised by Endo's words. This was the second person a man, who told me I am cute. If you think I am Felter's feelings like a butterfly in love. Your mistake, I am not interested in you at all.

" Oh… "

I ignore Endo, I as continue to eat. If I continue paying attention to him, my free food will never be finished. When I was so focused on my food, I do not realize some girls walk close to me and Endo.

"I'm sorry, can't I sit here "

I was surprised by suddenly a girl's voice coming to ask us. To correct is not asking me, but asking a person in front of me. Endo Kazama. Was his hormones of prince produce some scent that attracts a woman has active. I never knew it also works in different countries, amazing.

I look at Endo Kazama and how he taking action with this problem. He smiles at that's a girl and allowed it, he does not think much about this sudden woman. When the girl hear it, she was so happy and sit beside Endo. That was the seat between me and Endo, and she ignore me as if I did not exist.

What a gentleman, never refuse an invite from a woman. But, this is quite rude to others. If other, I can tell this girl is arrogant and lack some manners.

Let's ignore it, I want to see how the smile prince handless fan. I am quite interested in it, well as long she does not bother me. I will not bother them, let quiet see this show.

" Where you come from, can't you speak Korea. By the way, I am Kim Nara the daughter of K cooperates. "

Said this girl with a sweet tone, the way she says it looks like she what to show off her status and seduce Endo. Wow, how arrogant this person is. Do you think, this place is lacking a rich and powerful person. Oh come on, this place have a lot of this rich and powerful person. You are not the only one.

" Nice to meet you, I am Endo Kazama from Ed corporation in Japan. And I'm sorry, I can't speak a Korean"

Said Endo politely and his face still shows a business smile. It means, he doesn't see this person as a potential romantic. He did care about you. Cool, he draws a line with this person. I can see how disappointed she is when I look at her.

" Oui… you can't, then it's okay. They want to go outside with me, I know the best place a lot in Seoul "

Said Kim Nara, as she does not give up on Endo Kazama. She still trying to stick close to him, even though she knows that's he can't speak Korean. What a proud girl she is. Endo immediately tells her.

" Sorry, we have a plan after this. Besides I don't want my fiance mad at me, right Yurika "

" What!"