Chapter 32 present and reaction

I am going back home, I also bought some presents for my family. Like stuff I like, I spent a lot of money to buy them a present. I hope not to check my purse bank account. Or not. I will get nagged by my mom.


As soon as I arrive home, I run to Yumiko and hug her. I am happy to see my family back, mostly me. I miss Yumiko a lot. I wonder if my family will miss me.

" Yumiko, I back "

" Oh my, please be careful. Did you have fun on your trip? You must tired go get some rest first"

Said Yumiko, she worries about Yurika's body. All the time, when she was on a trip with Endo Kazama. She also worries if Yurika causes something weird when she doesn't see it.

" I am tired. But I have a present for everyone. Look it a lot "

Said Yurika, then the servant brought all the presents to the living room. Lots of presents can be seen, small, large, big and so on. When my parents heard I brought a present. They don't know if they wanted to be mad or not, because Yurika was spending a lot of money to buy their parents for them.

" I also bring some of our stuff here. It is inside a red bag. Mr. Hedi please take this bag and open it, to give to everyone"

Mr. Hedi was the butler of my family, he served here for a long time. Even before my parents got married he already worked here as a butler.

" Thank you, lady Yurika. I will follow your order. You don't need to buy expensive things for us, it is enough with feeling."

Said our family the butler, Mr. Hedi. He was soft when he saw a Yurika face, he always took this lady when she was small. She is indeed very naughty sometimes, but our precious lady has a kind heart who always remembers us. Whether she going in.

" Don't be polite Mr.Hedi. and take this. I will bring other presents to my father, mother, big brother and Yumiko. "

Mr. Hedi brought a bag full of presents for servants with him. And then he stepped back and walked away to give it to another maid to take care of it. Well, he came back to the living room and stayed with Hanami's family members. His job was to serve all family members, that's why she stay here.

" Yumiko, look at these beautiful clothes. I thought it will be good with you, I brought it all "

Said Yurika. Yumiko has a headache when looking at this much stuff, mother will be mad again. If she knows this.

" Please don't buy too much, even if you want to give it to others. Oh my, I should follow you when. You going to trip if I knew you did this "

Yumiko was mad at me, but her worries were useless because their mother already know it.

" YURIKA!!!"

Even in the living room I still can hear my mother scream in anger at me. It was too late, I dash inside the big brother's room and search for my big brother.

" Big brother, look I brought some gifts to you. "

Said Yurika as she showed a shopping bag. And then she began to get out the present and lift it to big brother's bed. Hanami Yunosuke also has a headache when he sees this, even though he did show how restless he is. He can see a lot. This present will be a nightmare for him.

" Look, I brought you a watch hand. It's cool right"

Yunosuke was shocked by her gift. He never thought this little weird sister would one day buy him a normal present. She always has a different sense of fashion like a noble lady. Where does she get this? I don't know. But this type of gift was normal, it was very unusual for me. What happened?

" My friend suggested, I should buy this type of brand. If I want to give a presentation. I don't know what to buy so I buy a lot of this type of brand. It is good this brand has different types"

When Yunosuke hears it, he begins to feel relief. No wonder, her presence is normal. It was his friends who chose it, I need to thank that friend. He must have through hard work when he went shopping with his little sister.

" Do you like it big brother "

Asked Yurika, when he saw her big brother was somehow frozen on the spot. Well, big brother doesn't look like a person who talks a lot, but he was kind and a little straight.

" It's better than the present. After this make sure to ask your friend if you want to buy a present for another"

As he said that, he smiled at Yurika as he was happy with her gift. He thought he could wear it to go to work or show it to his friends.

Yurika was shocked by Yunosuke's true words. She never thought his Big brother always hated her past gift. It hurts my heart. But, when she sees a smile on her big brother she can't complain.

She also gave a present to his father, but the next day. I got a message from the bank, it said my bank account will be frozen in one month. And she was shocked by this news.

" What!"

Yurika thinks that if she buys a lot of presents for her family. They will be happy and forgive me for spending too much money, but she never backsplash at her. She was sad and cried inside her room again.

The next morning, she goes to school like normal and completely forgets what happened to her. She was happy to meet her friend at school, so she quickly gave the present to Chiho.

" Chiho, I brought you a present. "

" Yurika, when you come back and what did you buy it "

Chiho is also happy when she sees her precious friend. A day without Yurika was lonely, Yurika was always there for her to make my life full of color. She is also interested in the Yurika gift. So as soon as she got a present she immediately opened the box and see, the set of traditional Korean clothing. It's pretty and I like it.

" If you go to Korea, of course, you need to have at least these clothes cosplayed. Right buddy"

" That's right. Partner "

" Ahahaha… "

" Ahahaha…"

Yurika said words to Chiho as soon as she sees, how happy she was when she received my gift. Chiho responded as she agreed with her, then these two friends began to laugh happily together.

Yumiko only smiles at these two behaviors, these two always like this. One had a weird mind and the other was looking for something interesting. That's why these two can't be best friends for each other. She was the one who needed to look for these two troublemakers.

Yurika then gives a present to her minion. I mean, her two little gossip friends Kikuzaki Mirae and Yuzaki Imai. She give an idol group autograph with the album and posted it. Because she knows, these two is a fans of this pop group. That's why she gives them this.

" Thank you Yurika sama"

" We treasure it for our life"

You two better treasure it, I work hard to get it, you know it. When she remembers how hard it was for her to search for a location for this idol group to get their signature. She also has time to dance on the street, thanks to that. She got a connection to get information about this idol group. Will it be fun, let's do it again next time.

" Yurika same. How you get this autograph, it was hard for me "

Asked Yuzuki Imai, she was curious about this present. Kikuzaki Mirae also agrees with her and both of us look at Yurika sama with curious eyes as if they want to know.

" It was a connection"

Yurika can tell them the truth, she only said a safe word to get out of this question. It's good that these two have accepted this reason as real, and it's up to them if they want to think more than that.

Yuzaki Imai and Kikuzaki Mirae were impressed by Yurika's connection. She thought the goddess was an amazing person to have a connection with this popular pop idol group. It is worth being our goddess.

" As aspect from Yurika sama"

" Indeed Yurika sama was always amazing"

These two begin to praise her goddess as they never know that they were misunderstood by the Yurika word again. They thought Yurika had used her family connection and Money to make their servant get a present for them. They were touched by how much they cared for the goddess. They did not think, that's Yurika herself who was cashing the idol-like crazy together with their other mad fan. To Yurika, it was something fun she had never experienced.