chapter 6

Chapter 6

"Beware!" he yelled "I have just told you that you are not alright, so here you are to prove it!!"

"I am fine," she replied "just a slight dizziness and working hours' tiredness. No need to worry!"

"You have some fever.."

"Oh really?"

"Let me take your temperature, you might need to check a doctor."

"No, no need.. I will return home and take a rest!"

"I will deliver you and ask someone to take your car.."

"No need, thank you. I will go by myself!"

"But you can not in that condition!"

"Do not worry.."

Julia left his bosom and separated from him, as his eyes were following and yearning for her. He was worried yet sick in love, he did not want to separate from her nor wanted her to drive on her own, however Julia was depressed and worried about herself, she could not understand what was going on with her.

She rushed to her home and hastily called her friend, who was a gynecologist and an old friend of her family, and chatted with her about her signs and symptoms. For a while, she forgot about her affair with a man and thought that it was all a nightmare, she could no longer remember that she actually had sex and marriage contract with a stranger, especially that the love of Rafael had blinded her from everything going through the universe since all of her thoughts were poured on him.

"Yoo, Dr, Anita!" she started "How are you, girl?!"

"Yoo, sergeant Julia!" replied Anita "What type of dilemma did you fall in now?"

"EHH?!! Why dilemma?"

"Because you only call me when you fall in troubles! Idiot!"

"Ouch! You got me!"

"What did you do?"

"Technically, I did nothing, however I feel sick and I need your consult!"

"I am gynecologist not a veterinary, ok?"

"Screw you, Anita!"

"What are you feeling exactly?"

Julia told her about all of her signs and symptoms, the nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, tender breasts, headache and loss of appetite, and Anita kept asking her about more specific questions in order to make sure whether her doubts were correct.

Anita started to feel worried about her as she described clearly her problem, she wanted her to stop talking on the phone and meet up in her clinic.

"Julia, I am sorry," she started "I think I cannot diagnose your case until I meet you in my clinic and do further tests. I am not a magician, I cannot guess your illness before I see you. Also, please do some tests, I will send them as a message and come to me when you get the results, quickly!"

"Oh my," startled Julia "is it something bad? Why do you seem worried? Will I die as a single woman?"

"Calm down, idiot! No you will not die! Just do as I tell you without any questioning!!"

Anita asked Julia to do hormones and pregnancy related test that would make sure about her condition. As a result, Julia felt worried about these many requirements and felt that her friend might be hiding something crucial, however she could do nothing but do as the gynecologist would prescribe.

The next day, Julia was already exhausted from the many thoughts that were stirring in her mind. She went to the closest laboratory and did all of the required tests. Then, she met up again with Rafael, who was extremely worried about her, and stayed silent trying to hide what her friend had told her and the tests, in order not to make him much more worried.

"Julia, how are you feeling today?" he asked "Are you still tired?"

"I am fine, Rafael." She assured "Do not worry at all.."

"Yesterday, you were not alright!"

"I overworked myself, today I feel energized!"

"Oh, then, please do not exhaust yourself!"

"Thank you!"

After ten days, Julia had received the results of the tests and rushed towards her friend's clinic. She took the day off after telling Rafael that she was extremely tired on that day.

At the clinic, Anita was waiting for her best friend after she emptied the clinic from all patients. She took and read the tests results and widened her eyes in a shock, she tried to hide the results from her friend and stay as calm as possible, however her facial expressions had betrayed her.

"Why are you shocked like this?" asked Julia "Did you read something bad? Please do not hide anything from me!"

"Calm down, Julia." replied Anita "I will surely tell you everything, do not worry there is nothing dangerous. Now, can we do a uterus echo?"

"Uh.. Sure.."

Julia stripped of her t-shirt and lied on the bed. Then, Anita added an echo gel on her abdomen and started to move the handle calmly above her uterus when an echo picture showed on the monitor. She looked thoroughly at the screen with her eyes bulging out in a shock. She, then, moved her fingers on the screen to clearly trace the shapes and get into a result.

"Oh my god!" yelled Anita "I can not believe!"

"Hey, what is it??!!" screamed Julia "Just spit the words!!"

"Julia... How?"

"What?? If there was something bad just tell me already! If you keep making me anxious, I will shoot you!! What is it?"

"Do not act like you know nothing!! Just tell me how!! Julia!!"

"What the hell are you talking about??! What will I have to tell you if you do not tell me my condition?"

"Julia, how the hell are you pregnant??!"


"Do not 'eh' me!"

"I do not seem to understand..."

"Julia, you have been pregnant for two months!!! How did you get pregnant?? Whose child is it? You are not married, so with whom did you screw up??!"

She released a sudden sigh, tried opening her mouth to speak. But no words flowed out. Then with a little more strength she said it: "Preg.." but it came out hoarse, barely audible. Her body did not know how to react, it just shut down.

Her mouth opened and the color drained from her face as she stared wide-eyed at her friend. She felt the muscles of her heart tighten with incredible force as her breath caught and became light. Her world suddenly crashed down on her.. Her dreams with Rafael.. Her new love life.. Her Hopes for the future.. All crashed down on her..

She felt light-headed and a bit disoriented. Her mind began buzzing with voices and scenes. She started to remember that night, two months ago, when she was all naked with a stranger. She remembered her body touching hers and their hot temperature bound together. She closed her eyes trying to cover all of these scenes and forget about them, however she only remembered signing a contract with him. She accepted that fate. She accepted being his game. She accepted bearing his child. So, she had to take all responsibilities by herself.