Meanwhile, we go inside the Sakurazaka dorm and Kanemura Mura went inside the dorm and Otsuka lead them to meet Morita his sister.
Mura: wow this place is so damn sick sis
Kanemura: yeah it is sick
Otsuka: so Morita here is lord queen vampire to meet you
Meanwhile, Morita turns around and sees that she has a guest from the future to see her.
Morita: hello nice to meet you
Mura: nice to meet you Hikaru I'm Mura Kanemura's brother
Morita: nice to meet you Mura
Kanemura: so Otsuka I'm here to talk about your energy level
Otsuka: my energy level you mean vampire power
Kanemura: sure why not
Mura: sis we got company outside the Sakura dorm
Kanemura: it is them
Mura: yes
Kanemura: I'm sorry Otsuka looks like they follow us here to the past
Suddenly, Otsuka went outside the dorm and see them fighting the hunter from vampire hunter from their world.
Hunter 2: lord queen vampire you are not a match to kill me and you are not this world
Out of nowhere, Kanemura and Mura had destroyed in one shot turning them into dust and behind them just wipe their mouths open to see the future lord queen vampire are the strongest ever.
Otsuka: How did you do that?
Kanemura: like we said we are from the future of the vampire world
Mura: sis we should go back to the future
Kanemura: yea of course my sweet Kawata is worried about me
Morita: who is Kawata?
Mura: oh she is my sister's girlfriend and her name was Kawata Hina
Otsuka: on this world, we have the name Kawata Hina
Mura: of course but we are just here to defeat the hunter only
Otsuka: right sorry and we can meet again someday
Later Kanemura and Mura teleported back from their world back from inside the Hinatazaka dorm and everyone can see them as arrive in the past to meet Otsuka the vampire CEO.
Kawata: Miku I miss you so much
Kanemura: come here Kawata give me a hug
When Kawata was hugging Miku and Mura someone was calling on his vampire phone.
Mura: hello Mura speaking?
Vampire: sorry to call you Mura and how did it go?
Mura: it was good but we defeat the hunter in the past
Vampire: good but can I speak to lord queen vampire, please
Mura: sure sis the lord vampire want to speak to you
When Mura passed the phone to Kanemura and she was talking to him went Kawata was playing with Miku's hair while she is talking to the lord vampire.
Kanemura: yes lord vampire?
Vampire: you had completed both of your vampire mission but he is now added to is we're throne
Kanemura: okay thanks for calling me Lord vampire
In the meantime, Kanemura had ended their call and she saw that Mura was happy and excited about something being good with everyone inside the living room dorm.
Kawata: so Miku what are you want to do now?
Mura: sis can we invite others to a party house at your mansion
Kanemura: yes of course you can but all of the human people can go back at midnight
Kawata: so can we come too Miku
Kanemura: sure you are my sweet girlfriend
Right before we went over to the Kanemura mansion house and later Mura was hyped up for something great good to have a party house with the idol.
Out of nowhere, later there is someone was here to meet the lord queen vampire and which is Kanemura Miku with Mura in the living room.
Otsuka: hello again lord queen vampire *bow*
Kanemura: eh? Otsuka why are you here in my world?
Morita: to see you of course and you again Mura
Mura: hey!! Hikaru come on dance with me
Kanemura: please go with me and dance together with Mura
Morita: okay wait for me Mura
When Mura and Morita going to have fun with the future idol with Morita.
Kanemura: so Otsuka did you come back here to the future world
Otsuka: nope I'm not but I was coming from this world too
Kanemura: so are you from the future world the same as me
Otsuka: yes and I want to work with you my lord queen vampire
Kanemura: okay but both of you can stay here with me at the mansion
Otsuka: sweet cook okay
Later the party are getting started and others arrive at Kanemura's mansion house and she needs to greet them as one vampire family.
Kanemura: welcome to the party my family
Vampire: I'm glad that we are here to give you a vampire necklace for both of you
Mura: cousin thanks for the vampire necklace
vampire: it's okay but why is the CEO company is here at your house
Otsuka: I want to work with lord queen vampire
vampire: thanks for your service
Morita: niisan let go and dance with other
Otsuka: okay I'm sorry my sister is calling me to dance with other
vampire: please go with your sister
In the meantime, went Mura and Kanemura danced with her brother and Morris is dancing with Otsuka as brother and sister moments together at Miku mansion house.
Kanemura: Kawata can I borrow you for a moment
Kawata: sure, please
When Kanemura was carrying Kawata around her body and she start to fly into the sky while her vampire family see that she had a great future for them to get together.
While we are in the sky with Kawata and later Kanemura had a sexy exotic kiss on Kawata's lips and they are enjoying the beautiful sky view.
Kanemura: I love you, Kawata
Kawata: I love you too Miku
Kanemura: Kawata Hina would you like to marry me and be on my side until the end
Kawata: I would like love to be your wife bride Miku
Once they were putting the wedding ring on both of Kanemura's left ring fingers and some with Kawata too.
Kanemura: Kawata can we kiss again
Kawata: of course, you can kiss me whatever you want I'm always by your side
Kanemura just was kissing each other and telling the other and her vampire family that they are a married couple with the human couple together with her with Kawata Hina with the lord queen.