M/R CHAPTER [I...Am Sorry]

The day which felt like it was going to end, finally came to an end. The girls and Ryan in particular were already exhausted from looking all over the academy for Bernard so when they finally saw he was okay and was back as well, their minds became at peace. However, within their peaceful minds, two people, in particular, couldn't fall asleep after lying on their beds, Sophia and Ryan.

Both Sophia and Ryan were pensive, although for completely different reasons.

For Sophia, it was the feeling she had that Bernard was up to something again, however, she realized even after searching she wasn't able to find him it was like he had suddenly disappeared into thin air, she didn't believe he wasn't simply injured and went to somewhere quiet to take care of his wound, it was likely he was doing something else. That proved to her that there was a real chance that he had done something while he was outside the whole time.