Do not read this chapter

Author Note: Please Do not read this chapter repeatation of old chapter, the author is not able to upload Chapters today due to deterioration of his health, hope you bear with him, however, the author promise to make up for it very soon.Thank you for reading and your time. God Bless.

{You have entered into deep slumber}

{Transformation will now begin}

As soon as Bernard received the first notification message his body gradually began to dry out and become shriveled without any moisture, at this moment if anyone was to see him they would think he had died for a long time and was a mummy that someone had brought out of a tomb.

While Bernard was now slumbering what he didn't was that this wasn't all because the moment he got the second notification something else began to occur to his body that if he was awake he would have been terrified with an unbearable pain assaulting him.