Things couldn't just get worse. Kai sexually harassed me and now Taehyung was beating the shit out of him They were both separated and now the principal called us into his office.

Great! So much for the first day of junior year. I pulled myself together and I knew I was in trouble.

The principal took Kai into his office and me and Taehyung waited outside.

'Why did you do that?'

' Are you okay?'

' I asked you something'

' Jennie, I would do that again if I had the chance to cause no one should treat a girl like that especially if that girl is you'

And yup, that's when I fell for him. I saw his bleeding knuckles and worry overtook me.

'Taehyung, your hand!'

' I am fine, nothing new'

'Stop acting tough, I know it hurts'

' It does but why were you being all cozy with Kai?'

' I didn't know he was such a dick'

'Well, now you know so be careful'

He couldn't see it but my heart just did a backflip.

And that's when the principal called me. I saw Kai heading out and his face was a mess. He deserved it.

'Miss Kim, you do realize that this is serious?'

' I know he sexually harassed me'

'Well, I know you're not at fault, but according to the rules I'll have to punish you

' What? Am I getting expelled?'

'No, you are getting detention tomorrow'

' How will you punish Taehyung?'

' His actions were right but the kid's face a mess. He'll probably get community hours of working'

And I realized he'd get punished because of me. I exited the principal's office and saw Taehyung sitting.

'See me after school' I said to him.


This wasn't my first time in this office.

'And you'll be getting 10 hours of community service, Mr.Kim'

' Fine' I said and was heading out.

'Wait!' said the principal

'You know, kid you did the right thing and you shouldn't wait for the right moment to confess'

I just smiled at him and it was genuine and headed out. I remembered Jennie had told me to see her after school.

Yoongi had left early and so he told me to drop Jennie off.

I got my motorbike and saw Jennie heading out of the school building. She looked anxious and was sweating. She was biting her fingers. She always did that when she was nervous.

I waved at her. She came towards me.

'Where's Yoongi?'

'He left early, I am dropping you off'

' There is no way I am getting on that bike'

'You don't want to walk home, do you?'


She got on. I started my bike and went as slowly as possible to not scare her off. She held onto me.


This was my first time getting on his bike. My heart fluttered. But I wasn't the only one who had gotten on it. A bunch of other girls had as well. That thought shattered me.

I saw his knuckles. And I told him to stop outside the pharmacy. I went in and got some antiseptics, a cotton swab , alcohol and some bandages.

'You don't have to treat my wounds'

' You don't want to die by catching a virus, leaving your wounds untreated, do you?'

' Since when did you become such a doctor?'

I poured some alcohol on the cotton swab and dabbed it. He hissed in pain.

' The mighty Kim Taehyung is actually capable of feeling pain' I said laughing.

' Oh please,It's just because it was unexpected'

' Oh really? Doesn't seem like it'

I covered his hand with the bandage and just as I was finished he pulled me close. We were so close I could feel his breath on my neck.

He whispered in my ear ' Who's feeling flustered now?'

I was embarrassed. I let go.

' Just take me home'

On the ride home, he drove the bike so fast I let out a few screams.


At last we arrived home.

'Thanks for the bumpy ride', I said handing him his helmet.

' Always a pleasure'

I went inside and couldn't stop smiling about today's events.

I remembered what I had thought about last night and I was sure that I would hold onto him now. But was it worth it?


Today when I arrived at school everyone was gossiping about me. Everyone felt bad for Kai and Taehyung and thought I was an evil bitch.

I just ignored it. I couldn't care less.

In lunchtime, me and Chaeyoung sat next to Irene. I was eating peacefully when Tzuyu arrived. Gosh, this day couldn't get any worse. She sat right in front of me.

' You have the guts to eat, unbothered, you whore?'

'Stop it, Tzuyu' said Chaeyoung defending me.

' I wonder how you're still friends with such a whore'

She started laughing loudly and everybody joined in. I remembered how she used to bully me. I felt weak but anger overtook me.

' You know, you would've known if you were a little less busy fucking taehyung. Oh and btw he said you tasted like cheetos'

Everyone started laughing and Tzuyu was embarrassed. ' How dare you, you whore'

She was about to slap me but Yoongi stopped her.


' It must be nice having two men back you up, you whore'

She got up and left. I lost my appetite. I went straight to the bathroom. I could hear people gossiping there too.

I felt disgusted.


I saw the whole scene Tzuyu created in the cafeteria. I would've defended Jennie but it would become just more gossip.

She was savage, regardless. But I knew she was barely holding back. I knew she was strong.

But I could see tears in her eyes when she left the cafeteria. She needed someone.

As soon as school ended, I saw Jennie I approached her.

'Get on'

' You know, I need some time alone'

' You will regret not getting on'


She got on and held onto me. I just drove.

'Wait! This isn't the way home'

' I have to show you something'

'It better be nice'

I chuckled and she giggled. It was nice seeing her happy.

I took her to the top of the building.

'You aren't gonna kidnap me here, are you?'

'You never know'

I took her to the edge of the railing. She was awestruck. But I was awestruck by her beauty. She looked like a dream, the prettiest girl I had ever seen and that's when I fell for her.