When I returned home, Yoongi was sitting in front of the door, waiting for me.

'Where have you been?'

'Chill Oppa! I was just hanging out with the girls after school'

' YOU COULD'VE TEXTED ME' he yelled at me. This was the first time he had ever been so mad. I was scared.

' I am sorry for not texting you. I have had my own issues and I am sorry if I disappointed you but I am not a child anymore so you don't need to worry about me' I said with tears in my eyes and went to my room.

I did not expect this from him.


I was done getting ready when Taehyung arrived. I was ignoring Yoongi after our argument last night. I knew he was right but he couldn't just yell at me like that. Yoongi was also giving me the silent treatment. We never fought much as kids and this was probably our first serious fight.

' Hello everyone!' Taehyung greeted us.

' Hi' Yoongi and I replied at the same time.

' Why do I get the feeling something happened?' inquired Taehyung.

' You should ask Jennie'

' I don't know what happened but I know you guys will make up soon.'

We ate breakfast and went to school. I saw Tzuyu but completely ignored her. I went straight to my first class- Fashion.

And I had some news. The assignment in which we had to style our partners was for a charity fundraiser fashion show, our school hosted each year for the fashion students. I felt even more nervous but I had Taehyung to rely on. I knew he would do great on the runway.

I texted Taehyung right after school ended.

Hey. Meet me in the cafe outside the school asap.




I thought that I should text Yoongi Oppa too and apologize as well.

Hey! I wanted to say sorry, I know I was at fault this time and I will make it up to you somehow, but right now I have this assignment and Taehyung is my partner. So is it okay for you if I work with him? This assignment is really important.


I turned my phone off and Taehyung arrived.

As soon as he sat down, I asked him.

' Are you sure you wanna be my partner?'

' Of course, you seem worried though'

' Okay, listen to me' and I told him all the details.

' So it's gonna be a lot of work you sure about this? I can find another partner.'

' There's no way, I am backing out. We are gonna nail it'

I was super confident now. But we had two weeks only. Would we be able to do all of it? This assignment made 80 percent of your grade and if I didn't have good grades, I'd never get into a good fashion school.

Taehyung dropped me off. I went in and saw Yoongi playing his PS5.

' I read your text'

' So you forgive me?'

' Of course, I can't be mad at you.' he said and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him tightly.

' About the assignment with Tae, you can do it but remember the rule'

' Of course, I remember it' I said as if I hadn't broken it already.

I went into my room and started working. I thought that Taehyung's apartment would be perfect to work in together and now I had permission from Yoongi too.

I started sketching the design. I would sketch one and then discard it. At last, I gave up and slept.

The next few days were a hassle. I would go over to Taehyung's place ad return pretty late. I asked him to sketch the design and I was satisfied with it. He was a great sketcher. Now we had to find the materials.

Taehyung took me to the crafts store. It had many varieties of fabrics, props, and accessories. I picked out a few and this shopping trip was a success. We went back to his apartment. I felt determined.

' You know, Jennie we should take a break' he said as he smirked.

I knew what he meant.

' Sure' I replied.

Taehyung took me in his arms. He kissed me passionately. He was drawing circles on my belly. Our lips were moving against each other. He put his hand under my shirt, sending down a cold shiver. He cupped my breasts and removed my shirt. I took his hoodie off. He kissed my neck and face. Before this make-out session could continue, I got a text from Yoongi.

' Aishh!! This man won't let us kiss in peace' he said. I laughed.

' See you tomorrow!' I said and put on my shirt. I went home.

I spent the entire weekend putting the outfit together and I was pretty exhausted. I took Taehyung's suggestions and I completed putting the outfit together. Now was the more difficult part. I had to put together the accessories and makeup. I only had a week.

Taehyung suggested we do light makeup and focus more on the outfit. At last, I and Tae split the work and everything was done. It was the night before the show.

' You know, Jennie after working together I realized something' he said as we were both laying down on the sofa hugging each other.

' What?'

' Maybe if our relationship continues, we could go to the same college together.'

' I'd love that'

Silence fell and I just stared into his eyes.


Today was the day.

I woke up feeling ready and fresh. We had breakfast and headed out the doors. Yoongi wished us luck. The show was in the night.

I took all my classes and after school, we went to the dressing room. I had practiced putting makeup on him before and I knew how to do it. Right beside us were Tzuyu and Kai. They were both partners too and I was going to crush them with our outfit.

Taehyung got ready and he looked dashing. Even without the outfit, he looked nice enough to win. 30 minutes were left and we were all on standby. I could hear Tzuyu and Kai arguing which boosted my confidence.

First up was Teala and Brad, then Kai and Tzuyu. Their outfit looked ridiculous. It had no connection to the theme they were given. Our theme was biker chic. It was our turn now.....

Taehyung entered the runway with style. He had practiced walking.

He was wearing a black leather jacket. He had the helmet in his hand. I had styled his hair and given him a little cut on the face to give that bad boy look. He was wearing black jeans a little ripped on the knees. And the shirt he had painted himself had a black print on a white t shirt.

The audience was cheering loudly. I could see Yoongi too. Our turn was over so we went back and sat as the audience.

' You did a great job, Tae'

' You too'

I just enjoyed the fashion show until I saw someone in the audience.