WebNovelMr. Quiet100.00%

Bonus Ch.

*A Few Months Later*


Are you on your way yet? 🥺

Yoongles 🥺💘💕

I'll be there soon 😘

I smile widely at the text, waiting patiently outside at the school gate. You've got me whipped Min Yoongi...I giggle at the thought before feeling a tap on my shoulder.

I jump a little turning around only to see Namjoon and relax a little, "hey Namjoon, is there something you need?"

I see him hesitant to answer as he glances around nervously. What is he so nervous about...?

"Well, actually I wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me?" He questions making me freeze in place. I guess we never really "announced" Yoongi and I were dating....we just didn't feel a need to as we have each other to make us happy and don't need to go bragging about our relationship.

"Well actually," a voice imitates Namjoon a bit as I feel an arm wrap around my waist protectively, "she's already got herself a boyfriend and that's me."

He plants a quick kiss on my cheek, making them turn a bright red, not being used to the whole public affection thing yet.

"O-Oh, I didn't know," Namjoon stutters out awkwardly as Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"Well now you do," Yoongi states resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yup," he chuckles awkwardly before slowly backing away, "bye Y/n...and Yoongi."

With that, Namjoon dashes off leaving just Yoongi and I. I glance over at Yoongi to see his eyes following Namjoon's figure with a glare before finally looking over to me. His expression softens, a smile adorning his lips as I smile back.

"Hi Yoongles," I say softly as he chuckles, shaking his head.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that," he whines as I giggle, bopping his nose.

"Really? Your facial expression says otherwise," I state as his cheeks turn a light pink.

"I could say the same for you when I call you what I like to call you kitten," he teases, making my face turn a deep red.

"Touché," I retort, walking away which makes him chuckle as he follows and eventually catches up with me.

"So we're still going to that double date thing tonight, right?" Yoongi questions.

"Of course we are! I cannot bail on Lydia for a second time after you got scared last time," I giggle at the end remembering him hijacking it out of there, right before walking in. Leaving me with the other couple being all over each other...

"It's not my fault! She's your best friend...I don't wanna ruin my first impression," He mumbles out with a pout as I coo on the inside at him.

"You already did," I tease, making him sulk more at the thought. I just chuckle before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink making me smile brightly.

"I'll see you later, Yoongles," I say as he groans, waving me off, just making me giggle as I head to class.


"Do we have to do this?" Yoongi whines for like the 10th time.

"Yes! Now come on, it's not that bad," I plead as he nods, reluctantly walking into the restaurant with me.

"Y/n!" I hear a voice call before being crushed into a hug.

"Lydia! It's been so long!" I state as we hug for a while before breaking apart.

"O-Oh and this is Yoongi. And this is Lydia if you couldn't figure it out," I introduce the two as Yoongi smiles nervously, shaking Lydia's hand, while she eyes him cautiously.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you," Yoongi states.

"Same to you," Lydia says, making Yoongi look at me with a slight smirk.

"You talk about me?" He questions with a cocky smile.

"Maybe, maybe not," I retort quickly before glancing over to see the table, "let's go take a seat, shall we?"

Yoongi just chuckles and takes my hand in his as Lydia heads over as well.

"Hey Jungkook," I greet him, sitting down with Yoongi beside me as the other two sit across from us. Lydia in front of me as the guys sit across from one another.

"Hey midget," he teases, making me roll my eyes.

"I told you to stop that," Lydia whines, slapping his chest as he chuckles shrugging.

"I'm not wrong," he retorts.

"She's my cute midget," Yoongi says softly, making my cheeks heat up.

"Ah geez...Yoongi you gotta stop with these compliments," I mumble pouting as he pecks my pout.

"Why? I'm only speaking the truth," He retorts making me roll my eyes.

"I like him," Lydia states as I just laugh at her statement seeing her boyfriend making puppy eyes at her.

"But what about me?" He whines.

"And I love you," she states smiling widely, making Jungkook smile in satisfaction. I roll my eyes at the scene and pull out my menu to start ordering.

"Y/n, please don't tell me you're gonna order off the kids menu again," Lydia states as I pout in response.

"What?!? I can't help it I'm picky," I mumble glancing at the kids menu.

"You're missing out," She states as I huff in response.

"I'll try something if Yoongi feeds it to me," I retort jokingly as Yoongi lights up at the idea.

"I'll do it," he states, making my eyes widen.


"Nope, you can't get out of this now," he retorts, making me groan in response.

"Fine," I mumble as Lydia and Yoongi discuss what I should try.


"Do I really have to?" I mumble out staring at the food on the fork Yoongi is holding as he nods holding it up to my face.

"Come on, it's not gonna kill you," Yoongi states with puppy eyes making my heart melt and finally give in.

"Fine," I mumble and eat the food from the fork, chewing slowly.

"Sooo?" Lydia questions as I sigh heavily and take the fork from Yoongi and continue eating it.

"It's good," I retort pouting as Yoongi and Lydia smile.

His smile slowly turns into a pout, "but that means I can't feed you anymore."

My face turning a bright red at the thought of him feeding me this entire thing, "that's okay."

He just sulks a bit after and continues eating his food.


"This was so much fun! We should do it again!" Lydia says with a smile as Yoongi and I nod in response.

"Babe, it's late we should get back home," Jungkook states, making Lydia glance at the time and see it's only 7:30.

"What do you mean- it's only 7:30-"

"Bye guys!" Jungkook says pushing Lydia out of there making me chuckle as I glance over to see Jungkook squeezing her a**. Geez...are they ever not horny-?

I shake the thought away feeling Yoongi's hand intertwined with mine. He gives my hand a light squeeze as we both head towards the car in silence.

"Thanks for doing this," I say softly as he smiles that smile that makes me fall in love with him more deeply each time.

"I'd do anything for you," Yoongi states seriously, making my heart feel as if it's beating out of my chest.

"Y-Yoongi...I-I," I stutter out before taking in a deep breath, "I love you!"

I can faintly see his cheeks a light shade of pink in the dark, "I love you too."

He places a light kiss on my lips making my face turn a deep red in response.

"Now let's get you home, yeah?" He states as I nod in response.

"Yeah," I say softly as he squeezes my hand comfortingly.