Unforeseen Obstacle

While Lawrence was definitely taking the attention of the hideout bandits, one way or another, he began searching the area for Reno.

"Reno…? Are you here?" He called out.

All he found at first were cages that held frightened captives of the bandits, who didn't reply and seemed to flinch at any words thrown. As expected, there were mostly demi-human children being locked in cages.

It seemed most demi-humans possessed majority human features, with just some aspects of animals like tails, ears, claws, and sometimes noses. Though there were some cases of some leaning more into the animal side.

Though he felt deeply regretful of their situation, he knew for now, he had to simply move forward.

…I'll be back for you all, I promise. If it's not me, then there'll be others here–but for now, I have to find my friend, he thought.