
"I'll take his focus," Lawrence said, glancing back, "However, I will need your support, my dear friends. This man is quite the troublesome opponent."

"You've got it," he nodded.

"I want a piece of this creep myself!" Reno added.

As the three readied themself for the fight, Oswell had already initiated the fight–dashing forward as he closed the distance between himself and the clown-like adventurer within a single moment.

"You're talking as if you can contend with me, jester," Oswell said with a look of utter bloodlust embedded in his eyes, "Please, show me where that unwarranted confidence comes from."

There was only just enough time for Lawrence to raise his blade to guard against the heavy downward strike from the cobalt steel that Oswell wielded, but even then it seemed he struggled to block the attack.

"As expected of a Mountain God Style user–you're quite the brawny one," Lawrence smiled.