Crossing Boundaries

"Ya never told me why you're here. Yer younger than me, arentcha? What're ya doin alone in Elsia as a traveler?" Reno asked.

He shook his head softly, "I'm not alone exactly. But, well, we're just stopping here for a bit–today is my last day here, actually."

"Last day?" Reno looked at him with a slight dulling to her expression.

"Mhm," he nodded, "I didn't actually get much of a chance to see Elsia yesterday, so…"

"My bad," Reno sulked.

He laughed a bit, "It's not your fault. I made my own choices. But, today, I'd like to see it properly."

Reno's smile returned in full-force as she placed her hand on her chest, "Leave it to me! I hope ya got the right wallet, because yer gonna need some souvenirs to take with ya!"

Through the city, they both explored it together with Reno proudly leading the way like a guide–showing him the best street performers that ranged from sword juggling clowns to beast tamers who commanded their partners through flaming hoops.