Subversion of What Lurks

Amidst the dense fog, it was completely silent as he watched the platinum-eyes, shaggy-haired man step outside into it, being swallowed in the mist within just a few paces.

He could only stand there and watch the fog anxiously after Vandread had disappeared into its hold.

Am I really supposed to just sit here and wait…? He questioned.

After a couple dreadful, slowly-crawling minutes, he had enough: the gnawing silence and the sway of the thick, impenetrable fog got to him. Even against his better judgment, he decided to step out of the carriage.

You're crazy if you think I'm going to just be a sitting duck…He thought.

He kept his staff held tightly in his right hand, and had his other ready by his sheathed blade as he left the carriage. The bottom of his boots met firmly on the moist, but not muddy soil; he looked around, but there was hardly any merit in doing so as he couldn't see past two meters around him.

"...Vandread?" He quietly called.