Forest Ambush

[Two Months After Setting from Elsia]

[Level Six]

[Well, I'm fifteen now. Woohoo. Some birthday it was–you know how I celebrated? By myself. That's right–Vandread slept through the whole day while the carriage moved. And about that! We've been stuck in this carriage, moving along for months straight now–all through this forest! It's insane how large it is! I thought it was just hyperbole or something when they said it was the size of a nation.]

Beyond just the change of age, other, more tangible changes produced themself on his body: his voice had grown noticeably deeper, his height increased by a few inches, and his "baby face" had shaped into an adolescent, fair shape. It was a far cry from looking like an adult, but it was progress.

Still, Vandread treated him like a child all the same.