Tactical Savages

With the leisurely pace in which the steed moved, and the relaxing scenery of the verdant, luscious mountains and the light mist of the rising noon that allowed the temperature to be brisk and slightly wet, the journey turned from tense to comfortable.

"Julius thought he had all the game in the world. Though most girls did give him the time of day because of his status and looks, they realized pretty quickly that underneath all of that, he was nothing more than a perverted geezer in the body of a young man."

Well, that's one way to put it…Emilio thought.

"I wasn't any better, I guess. Back then, we had little competitions to see who could pick up more girls," Vandread said.

"Wait–you?! You did that, too?!" He asked in shock.

Vandread scratched his head, "Ah–well, this was a long time ago. Things…change," the man seemed gloomy as he said that.