Nightmare's Truth

With dozens of the grotesque, fungal-infected undead closing in, he unleashed everything he had into a blaze, swallowing everything in front of him in the draconic heat. As expected, the nature of the flammable creatures allowed the flames to eat away and spread between the undead, giving him ample time to begin ascending the vines.

[Level Up!]

[Level Fourteen Achieved]

Despite the level up, he hardly felt rejuvenated, though the little bit of strength let him slowly ascend, lugging his body up as he tucked his sword into its sheath.

My body…it's giving out, he thought.

It was a struggle just to keep his fingers wrapped around the strained vines, feeling his eyelids flicker while the groans of the blossomed corpses below echoed.

Crap…He thought.

"Emilio…!" Melisande called out from above, leaning down from the decaying wood of the higher floor.

Just before he lost his strength, he looked up to find the silver-haired girl extending her hand down to him.