Unknown Visitor To Madness

"I see now. That's who you are–there's no mistaking the heat of those flames," Shammoth said mysteriously, "--You're quite the handful, Dragonheart boy."

Those words brought Emilio back into focus as he stepped forward, "Wait, how do you–"

"Until we meet again, Dragonheart. It may not be tomorrow or the next day, but that time will surely come. When it does, let's chat," Shammoth said with a mischievous grin.

Before he could get an answer, Shammoth tipped the hat on his head before vanishing into nothing more than smoke and darkness.

At the same moment, he relinquished his hold on the Dragonheart Hurricane, causing the flames to dissipate as he fell to his knees, coughing up blood.


Melisande raced over, checking on him as she was shocked by the amount of wounds present on his body.

"You're hurt!...It's bad!" Melisande said.

"...I'm fine…" Emilio assured her weakly.