The Face of A Parent

Swallowing the mutilated limbs, the translucent-haired false humanoid held an uneven smile as if not knowing how to properly animate its face before slamming his palms together.

The gesture once more invoked a total shift in scenery as the rainforest decayed; grass dissipated to dust as trees rotted and leaves wilted, causing it to all be swept away by a breeze.

"Again…!?" Emilio said.

He looked back, finding Melisande was still safe, having to keep herself tucked away from the nightmare's view.

Kintoki was more focused on his stricken companion, who he helped stand as Sumera held her head, groaning, "...Did I hit my head too hard or is the realm changing again?"

"It's definitely changing," Kintoki assured her.

What replaced the glimpse of nature was a vast platform of ivory material, suspended in the clouds that overlooked a desolate world, taken by darkness.