Styx High Swamps

"That doesn't sound too bad then," Emilio replied, leaning on the back of the carriage as he took in the fresh wind.

"Well, err…" Melisande added.

"What?" Emilio glanced back.

Melisande looked up at him, "It says that Illya road is often nicknamed the 'Rest Before Death' by adventurers since one of the areas it leads to is the 'Styx High Swamps'. Apparently there's over a thousand deaths per year in that area…It's land is difficult to traverse and there're lethal beasts that inhabit it."

"That's just one of the areas though, right? Nothing to worry about," Emilios said with a wry smile.

Though such hope between the two youths was casually diminished as the man guiding the horses up front chimed in:

"That's exactly where we're headed," Roan said, taking a bite out of a loaf of bread.

"Wait, what–? That's not the normal route, isn't it?" Emilio asked, moving up to the front of the carriage.