Urgent Departure

Before he could ask, Roan seemed to handle it for him, "Oh, hey, Faust, this is your nephew. Faust Omnisul, meet Emilio Dragonheart."

"Wha–" Both Faust and Emilio reacted in unison.

Even Melisande found herself shocked by this sudden revelation told abrasively by the red-haired adventurer.

Faust swooped in, leaning down and inspecting Emilio closely, which proved to be uncomfortable for the youthful Dragonheart as he stood like a statue while the man looked him up and down.

"Hmm…" Faust hummed.

From the sounds of it, the Omnisuls and Dragonhearts didn't seem like they were on good terms when Father explained it all–there's no way I'd survive if this guy wants me dead! Emilio thought.

As Faust stood up straight again, he looked down at Emilio with his adamant, sapphire eyes before suddenly–a smile perched itself across Faust's lips as Emilio found his hair being gently ruffled by the man's hand.