The Savage Stranger

Sitting down, he put into practice what he learned from watching Vandread during the length of their journey together–skinning the rabbit and bringing it to a cookable state before conjuring a steady flame.

Magic truly is convenient, he thought.

It brought back memories for him of when his parents would have him help around the house with magic, whether it was warming the bath with fire or washing Julius' stained clothes with water.

To him, it felt like so much time had passed since he was home, but at the same time, it all felt like yesterday to him.

I wonder how Julius and Treyna are doing right now? Irene, too. After I get through this trial…I should go back and visit, he thought.

"Hey, I think you might be cooking it a bit too much!" Melisande sharply said.

He snapped back into focus, looking down to find a portion of the meat beginning to char from the flame he conjured above his palm. Taking the flame away, the meat was prepared, or perhaps a tad overprepared.