The Prospects of The Trial

While the beastly foe was held in the grip of the stone hand, he used the other conjured appendage to double-up the hold before taking in a breath, having to focus further as he turned the soil around the figure into mud.

Ensnaring the man-eating savage's feet in the quicksand-like mud, he then manipulated the natural biome around to summon sturdy vines, wrapping them around the gripped figure for further safety.

Using multiple spells and shifting elements required a level of concentration that was difficult to maintain in a stressful situation, causing a momentary lapse in his strengthening in the stone.

It was that single break in concentration that allowed the berserker to flex through the stone fingers, shattering them before roaring out.

"Raaaagh–!" The man's yell echoed through the forest.

Shit! He thought.