The Bottom of The Food Chain

Pointing to the direction she came from, Melisande clarified, "Bees!"

Just then, the skin-crawling buzz of bees could be heard as Emilio faced towards the same direction as Melisande, standing back-to-back with Everett.

Revealing themselves from beyond the foliage were not just any bees, but large, round variants with bright-orange fur.

"I'm so done with this forest!" Everett complained, clearly reeling from the sting to the rear he took.

As a mini fireball hurled right past Emilio's cheek, lightly scraping against it with a slight burn, he gritted his teeth out of frustration, mostly stemming from his lack of sleep.

"Okay, we're getting the hell out of this forest! I'm sick of everything shooting fire at me!" Emilio said.

Following his own words, he grabbed Melisande's wrist, sprinting to the side with her as Everett was a second slow to follow up, using his shield to block the mini fireballs that were shot in their direction from the swarm of moths and bees.