Mess with the bull, you get the...

After reading these harrowing notes that took place over the span of many years, the young Dragonheart brought his eyes up, looking past the gallery of monster-holding cages to see one ominously in the back of the room, larger than the rest and covered in a blood-stained cloth.

Is that this 'Masterpiece' the Collector is talking about?...Well, I'm not going near that, he thought.

Planning to evacuate the unsettling chamber, just as set the papers down, the sound of footsteps echoing off of the stone flooring brought his gaze up.

"Welcome, welcome!"

Standing on an elevated platform that led to the corridor he initially planned on going, a bald-headed man with tan, callused skin looked down at him with an abnormal gaze. The unknown man's eyes were completely black with white irises staring down at the young man.

"...Who are you?" Emilio asked, "Are you the one who set up that barrier outside?"