Reuniting Forces

"This place is no good…Where are the others?" He mumbled.

The burly bumpkin froze as the sound of something dropping behind him in the silent, eerie room was heard.

Everett slowly turned his neck, afraid to discover what made the noise behind him as he gulped.

No ghosts…no ghosts, he hoped.

What he found behind him wasn't a ghost, or at least, not a hovering, astral being, but perhaps something worse: it resembled a slime in the shape of a human with a gelatinous, blood-like body with its internal organs visible through its translucent form.

"Eeep-!" Everett let out.

The gelatinous humanoid groaned, taking a slimy step forward as it reached out towards the shielder, "Graaaagh…"

"Stay back, you! Back! Back!" Everett said.

Walking backward without any stability of mind, he waved his shielder around frantically while repeating himself, though his words didn't seem to reach the grotesque figure as it continued slowly approaching.