
With the Dread's rotten vessel in mind, he decided to thrust his hand forward, sending a wave of the Devil Force within him towards the being, sending the demonic curse against its body in the form of a black wind.

As it brushed against the Dread's body, it stopped for a moment, looking down at itself. This gave an opportunity to the Devilheart, who sprinted the length of the land between them in an instant as his cape of shadows fluttered behind his back.

There was no hesitation in Asher's body as he spun around to gain momentum, swirling demonic energy around the length of his blade as it left a trail of darkness around him before swinging it through the midsection of the Dread.

–I've got you, Asher thought.

Cutting the Dread in half as its rotten organs began to spill, the emotionless figure moved its hand forward in a retaliatory action, catching Asher off-guard as it unleashed that inexplicable pressure directly against his head.
