
Unbeknownst to Emilio as he was still in the air as a result of his leap from the enormous hill, he was right in the sights of the malignant entity, who was already halfway through following up his previous attack.

He could feel it; what was coming was another sound-barrier shattering slice of darkness, prompting him to press his hand to his left as he used a burst of wind to propel himself to the right.

Though just as he did, something sprouted from the ground below him–

"--?!" Emilio looked down.

An enormous limb made of intertwined, shadowy limbs reached him, gripping onto his left leg as he was halted in midair, completely open to Dread's attack.

"Emilio!" Melisande shouted.

There was nothing that could be done in that moment, even as Emilio began to summon another wall of stone to attempt to block the attack, the speed at which Dread unleashed the arcs of violence were far too swift.