Ominous Temple

A few hours were taken traversing the skies before the ship descended once more, prompting those that had fallen asleep to wake up by the jarring "thud" that resounded from the touchdown of the flying vessel.

"Wha–" Melisande snapped awake.

Though her and Yuna had already awoken, snores were still leaving the bandaged bumpkin who didn't seem phased by anything. At least, a quick slap on the head from the demi-human woman woke Everett up.

"--Ow!" Everett let out.

"We're here," Yuna told him.

"...Oh, right," the tired man said.

As the rail for the ship extended, the three found themselves surrounded in the isolated scenery of colossal trees that acted as a veil around the enormous Guild Foundation Headquarters itself.

Walking past them, Scarlet was followed by staff that were separately carrying the body of Briggs and the young Dragonheart.

"--" Melisande couldn't look as tears immediately formed in her eyes upon seeing his body.