The Inevitability of War

Blimpo was excited like a puppy, clapping his hands and jumping up. It wasn't surprising, considering how long he had been trapped in the labyrinth, following the fact he was on his last try there as well.

Still, something felt off to the young man as he continued glancing around; it felt all too simple of a discovery, and knowing the nature of the temple, it was all too easy of an end for the trial.

Without any reservations, Blimpo began to move down the red-carpeted center of the grim cathedral with his eyes set on the key, "Here we co–!"

"Blimpo! Get back!" He yelled out.

All at once, something clicked in his mind; he didn't know who or what it was that he was sensing, but a primordial bloodlust oozed into the chamber at that moment. It didn't seem to register for Blimpo until the entire chamber began to rumble violently out of nowhere.