Artificial Limb

"Oh yeah? Fire away, my friend," Blimpo curiously adjusted his goggles, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the wood-and-vine flooring.

Patting the spot where his right arm used to be, he smirked, "How about we build a new arm that knocks my old one out of the water?"

Blimpo was stunned for a moment before grinning ear-to-ear, sliding his goggles over his eyes as he jumped to his feet, "It's like you knew I always wanted to build a fully artificial limb! You needn't say another word, my friend! Just rely on the genius of your best mate–I'll make you an arm that far surpasses one of flesh!"

"Really?! You can do it?" He asked, standing up as he shared the same excitement as the tinkerer.

"Who do you think you're talking to?! I'm the best damn inventor to come outta Arcadius!" Blimpo chuckled, jabbing his own thumb against his chest.