An Infamous Beast


He immediately called to the lesser spirit of fire, commanding it with his will to fly up and begin emitting a light that filled the entirety of the dank abode of whatever approached. The sudden burst of light revealed it to him–a sight both confusing and terrifying.

It was but a few feet away from him, its large, abhorrent face far too close to his own. The creature possessed dark-green, scaly skin with an incredibly long neck that allowed it to lower its head enough to meet the crouched human eye-to-eye.

Those eyes of its were maddening; pitch-black irises that continuously swirled, spiraling like a hypnotic hex of chaos. Curved, swirly horns that looked like branches protruded from its unsightly head.

It possessed large, buck teeth and a humanoid face, yet a body that resembled that of a bipedal dragon with fearsome claws and small, seemingly useless wings stretching from its back.